Anubha Chaudhari * and Rajendra Chauhan
Department of Zoology, Government MLB Girls PG Autonomous College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
ABSTRACT: The present study aims at analyzing the efficiency of allicin, agarlic derived phytochemical or neutraceutical in elevating the activities of various enzymic antioxidants on its treatment to cultured breast cancer cell lines. In the experimental work, cultured breast cancer cell lines were treated with different doses of allicin, and through standardized protocols, the cell lines were assayed for the activities of enzymic antioxidants such as Peroxidase, Superoxide dismutase, Catalase and Glutathione S Transferase as compared to untreated control. It was found that allicin treatment significantly increased the activities of the said enzymic antioxidants as compared to control. This study demonstrates the antioxidant potential of allicin in cancer cells, showing decreased antioxidant activity as a characteristic feature of cancer cells, leading to severe oxidation-induced damage. The study also proposes future prospects in the areas of cancer research and therapy to cobble for the designing of targeted plant-based therapies that are easily available and are cost effective in comparison to synthetic therapeutic chemicals and that too without side effects.
Keywords: Enzymic antioxidants, Allicin, Cancer cell lines, Phytochemicals
INTRODUCTION: The scientific revolution and urge for a more technologically advanced civilization has invited several new diseases and strengthened the severity of old and known diseases. The revolution has increased pollution, created physical and mental distress in humans, invited severe transformations in the microbial community, perished several life forms, and the last
but not the least has made us forget the efficacy of the nature and natural products to heal and maintain a healthy standard of living. There has been extensive research regarding the curative and preventive potencies of various targeted molecules of dietary plant origin like Genistein, diazdin, curcumin, lycopene, emodin, allicin, sulphoraphain, vanillium etc. these have shown great actions to cure dreaded disease that either caused death or lead to several dreaded side effects when treated with synthetic drugs.
Cancer is a multifactorial disease characterized by changes in a group of normally dividing cells of the body that gain uncontrolled growth, causing a lump called a tumour. This is true of all cancers except leukaemia (cancer of the blood). If untreated, tumour cells can grow and invade surrounding normal tissue or to distant parts of the body via the circulation and can cause tumourogenic growths in those parts 1. Traditional cancer therapies under the allopathic system of medical practice rely on surgical ablation of the cancer tissue, subjecting the tissue to radiotherapy and treatment with chemotherapy. Other therapeutic strategies include immunotherapy, endocrine therapy, gene therapy, etc, depending upon the epidemiology of the disease and socioeconomic status of the patient and relatives 2.
Chemotherapeutic procedures rely on the administration of cytotoxic chemicals that block the cell cycle at various stages or impair the metabolism of cancer cells interfere with the fundamental processes of cancer cells. According to Collins and Workman 2006 3, chemotherapy remains the main ammunition against cancer and is administered through different routes depending upon site, severity, and stage of cancer. In connection to these, Dougherty & Lister, 2010 4, stated that Cancer treatments cause side effects and problems that occur when treatment affects healthy tissues or organs.
Owing to the severity of the disease, a large number of side effects of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and cost of diagnosis and treatment, clinicians and researcher of today’s era has turned their vision towards plant-based therapeutic strategies such as owing to their curable properties known through ages and traditions. Allium species of plants are now well known for their therapeutic potential against an innumerable number of diseases. Alliums pp., the most important representative genus of the Alliaceae family, comprises 700 species, widely distributed in the northern hemisphere 5.
The well-known garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) and several other species are widely used as edible ingredients, spices, and medicinal applications. Among all known Allium species, the best known, Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most widely investigated plants over the past couple of decades for its use against a spectrum of diseases ranging from infectious and metabolic diseases to dreaded and complex ailments like cancer 6. The use of garlic as an edible has been shown to be associated with human health and has been found to cobble the cure of many diseases since time immemorial. Dipado and Carruthers 1960 carried out experiments in which they implanted tumor explants, one allicin incubated and the other incubated to two groups of healthy mice respectively 7.
They found that allicin-treated tumors did not grow in mice it comparison to the allicin untreated tumor implanted mice. This study clearly showed the possibility of anticancer activities of Allicin. Allicin has been shown to target p21ras by causing its thioallylation, causing its activation resulting in enhanced phosphorylation of kinase involved in several signaling pathways 8. p21ras is actively involved in the activation of lymphocytes 9, which play an important role in immunosurveillance and against tumors. In connection to this allicin has also been found to trigger TNF-α secretion by macrophages 10, which is also a key cytokine in the regulation of immune responses 11. Thus allicin can also be thought to alter macrophage activities.
Although further studies regarding the activity of allicin on normal cells and the details of the mechanism of action of allicin on neoplasms and the most efficient routes of administration are required. Further studies would also decipher its molecular interactions within the living system so that its claimed applicability long-term and cost-effective benefits in assume terms of health and nutrition among consumers to create a cancer-free world. The present study investigates the antioxidant efficacy of allicin as an anticancer phytochemical on cultured breast cancer cell lines, which would add up to the process of designing plant-based cost-effective anticancer therapeutic agents without side effects.
Experiment design (Methodologies): The MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines were purchased from Sigma Aldrich and were maintained in DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium) Sigma Aldrich kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. All the cell lines were maintained in the media supplemented with 10% f et al. calf serum, 100 units/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin, and 2 mM glutamine in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37 °C. Experimental and control cells were suspended in 1X Assay Buffer and Homogenized on ice. They were then centrifuged at 15000 g for 10 min. Pellet was discarded, and supernatant containing the Cell lysate fraction was assayed undiluted. The assays and estimations were done on the said cultured cell lines by treatment with various concentrations of Allicin as compared to untreated control.
Analysis of Enzymic Antioxidants: The standard methodologies for analyses of enzymic antioxidants in untreated controls and allicin treated Cultured cell lines were taken up and are presented under the following subheadings marked A-D:
A Peroxidase Assay 12: Cell Biolabs’ Oxi Select™ hydrogen peroxide/peroxidase assay kit was used to assay the activity of Peroxidase.
B Catalase Activity Assay 12: Cell Bio labs’ Oxi Select™ catalase activity Assay was used for the direct measurement of catalase activity from cell lysate.
C Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay 13: Oxi Select™ superoxide dismutase activity assay kit was used to assay superoxide dismutase activity in which a xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XOD) system generates superoxide anions.
D GST Activity Assay 14: Sigma GST Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) was used to measure the activity of Glutathione-S-transferase (GST).
Results of Analysis of Enzymic Antioxidants: The results of Enzymic antioxidant analysis are presented under the following subhad marked A-D:
Analysis of Peroxidase activity: The results of the analyses of Peroxidase activity in the MCF-7 and T47D cell lines are presented in Table 1. followed by Graph 1 (for MCF-7) and Graph 2 (for T47D).
Per oxidase Activity In Mcf-7 |
0.13508 ± 0.001897 |
0.13788 ± 0.001004*** |
0.13904 ± 0.00249*** |
0.14640 ± 0.00144*** |
Per oxidase Activity In T 47 d |
0.1474 ± 0.000975 |
0.1496 ± 0.001891*** |
0.1524 ± 0.001351*** |
0.1559 ± 0.000837*** |
The results Table 1 and Graphs 1 & 2) of the analyses of Peroxidase activity in untreated and allicin treated cell lines show statistically significant increase in the activities of the said enzyme on treatment with increasing concentrations of allicin (i.e 0.01 µM, 0,1 µM and 1.0 µM). Numerical data are represented as Mean = SEM of five independent experiments (N=5). Statistical significance of the difference from untreated (control) values at p < 0.01 determined by unpaired t-test of two-sample unequal variance using Graph Pad software.
B Analysis of Catalase Activity: The results of the analyses of Catalase activity in the MCF-7 and T47D cell lines are presented in Table 2. followed by Graph 3 (for MCF-7) and Graph 4 (for T47D).
Catalase Activity In Mcf-7 | 3.7432 ± 0.53837 | 9.73 ± 0.688195*** | 10.6396 ± 0.993275*** | 11.038 ± 05.829727*** |
Catalase Activity In T 47 d | 3.506 ± 0.964752 | 10.3688 ± 1.09216*** | 11.718 ± 1.427621*** | 6.6576 ± 1.240673*** |
GRAPH 3: Activity of Catalase activity in MCF-7
GRAPH 4: Activity of Catalase activity in T47D
The results Table 2 and Graphs 3 & 4) of the analyses of Catalase activity in untreated and Allicin treated cell lines show statistically significant increase in the activity of the said enzyme on treatment with increasing concentrations of allicin (i.e 0.01 µM, 0,1 µM and 1.0 µM). However a greater activity of catalase was observed for treatment group 2 in T47D cell line. Numerical data are represented as Mean=SEM of five independent experiments (N=5). Statistical significance of the difference from untreated (control) values at p < 0.01 determined by unpaired T test of two sample unequal variance using Graph Pad software.
C Analysis of Superoxide Dismutase Activity: The results of the analyses of Superoxide Dismutase activity in the MCF-7 and T47D cell lines are presented as Table 3 followed by Graph 5 (for MCF-7) and Graph 6 (for T47D).
Sod Activity In Mcf-7 | 0.5286 ± 0.020011 | 0.5974 ± 0.007259** | 0.6296 ± 0.01627*** | 0.6666 ± 0.025965*** |
Sod Activity In Mcf-7 T 47 d | 0.553 ± 0.020433 | 0.5832 ± 0.003995*** | 0.6024 ± 0.0045685*** | 0.6064 ± 0.0045873*** |
The results Table 3 and Graphs 5 & 6) of the analyses of Superoxide Dismutase activity in untreated and Allicin treated cell lines show statistically significant increase in the enzyme activity on treatment with increasing concentrations of Allicin (i.e 0.01 µM, 0,1 µM, and 1.0 µM). Numerical data are represented as Mean = SEM of five independent experiments (N=5). Statistical significance of the difference from untreated (control) values at p < 0.01 determined by unpaired t-test of two-sample unequal variance using Graph Pad software.
D Analysis of Glutathione-S- Transferase Activity: The results of the analyses of Glutathione S Transferase activity in the MCF-7 and T47D cell lines are presented as Table 4. followed by Graph 7 (for MCF-7) and Graph 8 (for T47D).
GST activity in MCF-7 | 119.28 ± 15.71652 | 129.6528 ± 18.510832*** | 142.9408±13.439233*** | 275.56 ± 4.162158** |
GST activity in T47D | 79.52 ± 9.001053 | 84.2912 ± 12.525978*** | 119.28 ± 9.021053*** | 180.8078 ± 13.574749*** |
The results 4 and Graphs 7 & 8) of the analyses of Glutathione S Transferase activity in untreated and Allicin treated cell lines show a statistically significant increase in the activity of the said enzyme on treatment with increasing concentrations of Allicin (i.e 0.01 µM, 0.1 µM and 1.0 µM) in case of treatment group 3 in MCF-7 and treatment groups 2 and 3 in T47D cell lines. Numerical data are represented as Mean = SEM of five independent experiments (N=5). Statistical significance of the difference from untreated (control) values at p < 0.01 determined by unpaired t-test of two-sample unequal variance using Graph Pad software.
DISCUSSIONS: In the past decades, there has been an increased interest in using herbal medicines in the management, prevention, and therapy for a wide range of human diseases, including cancer. The herbal formulations from Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicines, Japanese (Kampo), and others are composed of a mixture of different herbs, which synergistically work to produce maximum treatment efficacy with minimum or no side effects 15. Extensive research in the very arena has revealed that these formulations can down-regulate cancer cells progression and stimulate the immune system to rise against cancer 16.
Garlic and its components & products have also been found to have anticancer activities through diverse mechanisms. Several studies on experimentally induced cancers in animal models and their amelioration using crude garlic extract, garlic powder, or isolated garlic phytochemicals such as allicin and other compounds have shown that garlic and its chemical derivatives have immense potential to fight cancers 17. Allium species are supposed to be one of the world’s oldest cultivated vegetables of the world. It is presumed that our ancestors consumed wild Allium species long before actual farming methods was invented. Allium plants are small in size and leave no archaeological evidence; their exact origin still remains a mystery. Allium species are characterized by their rich content of thiosulfinates and other organosulfur compounds. The thiosulfinates are formed by the action of the enzyme alliinase from their respective S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxides, which are mainly responsible for flavor and smell of garlic and onion.
The eye irritating compounds that induce tears are also a result of these sulphur rich compounds hence called Lachrymatory factors. Moreover, depending upon Allium species and differing conditions, thiosulfinates can decompose to form additional sulfur constituents, including diallyl, methyl allyl and diethyl mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-and hexasulfides, vinyldithiins, etc. This piece of work examines the biological activities of Allium thiosulfinate, allicin, as anticancer neutraceuticals. AS already described, Allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate or diallyl sulphide) is a biologically active compound found in crushed garlic due to stress-induced activation of an enzyme called allicinase that converts its precursor, alliin (s-allyl cysteine sulphoxide) into allicin 18. Studies throughout the globe on the efficiency of allicin during the last two decades have shown its overwhelming potential to cure many chronic degenerative diseases that had threatened mankind for a long time.
The work emphasizes the utility of this multifaceted Nutraceutical allicin on cancer. Furthermore, allicin has shown a tremendous potential to modulate the immune system that constantly invigilates the body tissues for tumorogenic activities and help to clear off transformed cells were ever encountered. In connection to these, research has also revealed the immense antioxidant potential of allicin which impart prevention and protection against free radical-induced damages. The terms “free radicals” and “active oxygen” have attracted the attention of large numbers of scientific workers and clinicians. Human beings face constant attacks by exogenous factors such as ultraviolet rays and tobacco smoke, which cause oxidative stress. Such stress also arises from drugs (including anticancer drugs) that are used in common medical practice. In addition to those exogenous sources, endogenous sources of oxidative stress include those which are derived from metabolic activities of mitochondria or microsomes, peroxisomes during the electron transfer, and those from the enzymes used by macrophages and neutrophils during the immune response. Reactive radicals oxygen may be involved in carcinogenesis through two possible mechanisms that induce mutations and the effects of signal transduction and transcription factors. The mechanism of damage induction depends on factors such as the type of active oxygen species involved and the intensity of stress 19.
Active oxygen species are supposed to act directly or indirectly via effects on gene expression and cell signaling, and communications. AS examples, Glutathione and Thioredoxin work in the mechanisms of redox regulation 20. Many studies on oxidative stress and carcinogenesis have been carried out in animal experiments and clinical practice. It was reported that lower activity of SOD is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer 21. In general, cancer therapy with drugs and radiation creates a state of oxidative stress in the body, and active oxygen triggers apoptosis of exposed cells via p53 and cytochrome release from mitochondria. Anticancer drugs such as anthracyclines, bleoymcin, mitomycin C and cisplatin have active oxygen mechanisms of activity 22. Research has shown that excessive ROS accumulation leads to cellular injuries, such as damage to DNA, proteins, and lipid membranes 23. Peroxides, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), are an example of the most well-documented ROS produced under oxidative stress conditions 24.
Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic product of normal aerobic metabolism and poisonous to eukaryotic cells. High doses can initiate oxidation of DNA, lipids, and proteins, leading to deleterious effects and cell death. The cellular damage caused by peroxides has been correlated with the development of many pathological conditions and cancers. It is now clear that injury to cells by such stresses is too significant to be ignored. Under normal physiological conditions, the cellular generation of ROS is counteracted by the action of antioxidant enzymes and other redox molecules. However, excessive ROS accumulation will lead to cellular injuries, such as damage to DNA, protein, and lipid membrane. Because of their potentially harmful effects, excessive ROS must be immediately eliminated from the cells by a variety of antioxidant defense mechanisms. Superoxide dismutase (SOD catalyzes the dismutation of the superoxide anion into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen & is one of the most important antioxidative enzymes. SOD enzymes are classified into three groups: cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD, mitochondrial Mn-SOD, and extracellular Ec-SOD 25. Moreover, catalase is an antioxidant enzyme omnipresent in mammalian and non-mammalian cells that destroys hydrogen peroxide by dismutation. Eukaryotic catalases are heme-containing enzymes found in the liver, kidney, and erythrocytes in high concentrations, while the lowest concentrations occur in the connective tissues.
The enzyme is concentrated in the peroxisome sub-cellular organelles 26. In addition to enzymatic antioxidant, Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a family of enzymes that plays an important role in the detoxification of xenobiotics. GST catalyzes the attachment of the thiol of glutathione to electrophiles. Glutathione is used to scavenge potentially toxic compounds, including those produced as a result of oxidative stress, and is part of the defense mechanism neutralizing the mutagenic, carcinogenic and toxic effects of such compounds.
The GSTs constitute catalyse the conjugation of electrophilic substances with the ubiquitous nucleophile GSH and the non-selenium-dependent reduction of organic hydroperoxides 27. Several evidences have implicated the role of GST enzymes in the resistance of cancer cells to alkylating agents and anthracyclines 28. It is well known that some genetic variations present in the antioxidant enzymes bring about an alteration in the activity or roles of the enzymes, which may result in the modulated ability to scavenge ROS. These modulations explain some relationships between specific gene variants and breast cancer risk suggesting the protective role of variants linked to the increased antioxidant protection. Thomson M & Ali M, 2003, have shown that consumption of garlic caused a 40% increase in peroxidase activity compared to treatment with carcinogens in experimental subjects 29.
In connection to the above findings, the results Table 1 and Graphs 1 & 2 of our study show that Peroxidase activity in allicin treated cell lines show a statistically significant increase in treatment with increasing concentrations of allicin (i.e. 0.01 µM, 0,1 µM, and 1.0 µM) in comparison to untreated control which is in well correlation with the data reported by Skrzydlewska 2001 30. Nature has provided the animal and human body with a complex antioxidant defense mechanism that includes the antioxidant enzyme of which Catalase (CAT) is a major player to provide protection against oxidative damage include by reactive oxygen species. The Enzyme block the initiation of free radical chain reactions 31.
When free radicals are excessively produced or when the cellular antioxidant defense mechanism has failed, chain reactions can result in the interaction of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids with such oxidants causing cellular dysfunctions that may lead to ailments and even death. Enzyme Catalase plays a role in the follow-up of breast cancer disease. Catalase, along with several other such enzymes such as SOD, peroxide, GST, etc., nullify the deleterious action of Reactive Oxygen Metabolites (ROMs) such as singlet oxygen, superoxide anions, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide 32. AS compared to the above studies, the findings of our study on the effect of allicin treatment on cultured breast cancer cell lines indicate that catalase activity significantly increased Table 2 and Graphs 3 & 4) with increasing concentrations of allicin, i.e., 0.01 µM, 0.1 µM, 1.0 µM in comparison to the untreated control. However, greater activity of catalase was observed for treatment Group 2 in T47D cell lines.
The results of our study well correlate with the fact that as strong antioxidant properties imparts radioprotective effects by free radical scavenging abilities and increase the efficiency of scavenging systems in the cells 33. Allicin has been shown to have pronounced antitumor activity hepatocellular cancer cells through ROS-mediated mitochondrial pathways 34. It was reported by scientists that the antioxidant defense system changed in various human tumors. It was reported that a reverse relationship was found between antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in patients with tumor of various types 35.
Alteration in the tissue and serum level activities of superoxide dismutase and other free radicals Scavengers have been studied in various pathological conditions about tumours and cancers 36. In connection to the above studies Iwase et al., 1997 37, however, reported that obtained Data remains unclear as the activity of superoxide dismutase very greatly according to the alterations of conditions in each of the different study groups. Studies have shown that there is a general increase in total activity of superoxide dismutase in the plasma and issue tissue samples of various subjects of malignant breast tumours. Furthermore significant increase in tissue activity of superoxide dismutase was recorded in malignant tumours as compared to benign tumors 38.
In general, an increase in the superoxide dismutase activity might reflect our response to oxidative stress and thus may predict a state of increased stress of relative oxygen species in the process of carcinogenesis. In our study, the total activity of superoxide dismutase in breast cancer tissues was found to be higher than that of the control group, although the differences were statistically insignificant on treatment with allicin. Our results are in accordance to the Results of a study in Japan, which showed a positive correlation between the activity of SOD in serum of cancer subjects and cancer mortality 39. Tsubura A et al., 2011, 40 showed that garlic-derived Sell for compounds shows antioxidant activity by elevating superoxide dismutase activity in breast cancer and has a potential therapeutic implication by acting as an anti-proliferative agent.
Concerning the above studies, the results of our study show Table 3 and Graph 5 & 6 a statistically significant increase in superoxide dismutase activity in Allicin treated cell lines in comparison to untreated cells with increasing concentration of Allicin (i.e. 0.01 uM, 0.1 uM, and 1.0 uM as compared to the untreated control. The antioxidant properties of allium vegetables and active ingredients of garlic, such as allicin, might result from the contributory activities of sulphur-containing compounds at different steps of neutralizing reactive oxygen species that result in tumour progression and carcinogenesis. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is an enzyme belonging to the proteins involved in phase-II detoxification of endogenous compounds and xenobiotics. Regulation and functional activity of GSTs have influences on cell growth in various ways, oxidative stress, disease progression, and prevention. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are involved in detoxification by bringing about the removal of harmful electrophiles by conjugating them with glutathione 41. GSTs are well-known enzymes that participate in Phase-II metabolism of drugs and also take part in detoxification during the metabolism of carcinogens that may be electrophilic.
Moreover, any substance that increases the levels and/or activity of GSTs is said to be chemopreventive. Our study in context to the analyses of glutathione S-transferase activity in untreated and allicin treated cell lines show a statistically significant increase in the activity of the said enzyme on treatment with increasing concentrations of allicin (i.e 0.01 µM, 0,1 µM and 1.0 µM) in case of treatment group 3 in MCF7 and treatment groups 2 and 3 in T47D cell lines. The results of our study are well in accordance to the studies shown by various workers throughout the globe pertaining to the use of plant-derived antioxidant compounds to neutralize the increased free radical status of cancerous tissue in various model systems.
CONCLUSION: The present study aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of garlic-derived phytochemical, ‘allicin’ on cultured human breast cancer cell lines to analyze the alterations in the activity of enzymic antioxidants such as Peroxidase, Catalase, Superoxide dismutase, and GST in such cells.
It was found that allicin treatment significantly increased the activities of the enzymes mentioned above in cultured cancer cells as compared to untreated control. The findings of this study throw a glimpse of light towards the development of plant-derived or herbal drugs to fight the dreaded disease as such drugs are cost-effective and free from side effects.
More studies and research are required to get an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of more effects of allicin so that an accurate strategy for cancer therapy can be designed.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors would like to thank Deshpandey Laboratories, Bhopal for providing technical support and assistance for the successful completion of the said work.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The authors don’t have any conflict of interest regarding the work and its publication.
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How to cite this article:
Chaudhari A and Chauhan R: Antioxidant efficacy of garlic derived allicin on cultured breast cancer cell lines. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2022; 13(3): 1322-31. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.13(3).1322-31.
All © 2022 are reserved by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. This Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Anubha Chaudhari * and Rajendra Chauhan
Department of Zoology, Government MLB Girls PG Autonomous College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
03 June 2021
27 July 2021
28 July 2021
01 March 2022