AbstractFlavonoids are natural products widely distributed in plant kingdom that gained lot of importance due to variety of biological effects relevance to numerous healthcare. It has been chosen as a drug molecule and gained attention in the area of novel drug delivery system because of their disease preventing property and therapeutic expediency in multiple biological effects. Chrysin (C) is one of the most utilized flavonoid having pharmacological effects such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antidiabetic and anti hypertensive actions. Even though it has potential therapeutic value and beneficial effects on human health, it possesses some disadvantages like poor solubility and low bio-availability, this limits its therapeutic usage of Chrysin. The present work designed to improve the solubility and the bioavailability of chrysin by the developing a chrysin loaded chitosan nanoparticles (NC). It was prepared by ionic gelation of chitosan and tripolyphosphate. The chrysin loaded chitosan nanoparticles were prepared in 5 batches and named as NC1, NC2, NC3, NC4 and NC5. The formulated nanoparticles were characterized by particle size analyzer, Zeta potential, Scanning Electron Microscopy, transmission Electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The in vitro drug encapsulation efficiency and drug release were performed in the formulated nanoparticle. Among the different batches studied, NC1 batch showed lowest mean particle size and highest entrapment efficiency. Scanning Electron Microscopy of polymeric encapsulated chrysin nanoparticles morphology revealed that spherical in shape. In vitro drug release study showed the chrysin loaded chitosan nanoparticles were capable of releasing drug in sustained manner. It is concluded that, the developed chrysin loaded chitosan nanoparticles might be used as vehicle for the improved solubility and prolonged delivery of chrysin.
Article Information
K. S. Sridevi Sangeetha *, S. Umamaheswari , C. U. Maheswara Reddy and S. Narayana Kalkura
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai Tamilnadu, India.
15 August, 2016
09 October, 2016
06 December, 2016
01 March, 2017