AbstractTissues can be preserved for centuries under the conditions of extremely cold temperatures along with the neurological functions of the human brain. It is possible with the process of vitrification; here the cells of the brain are cooled to the cryogenic temperature without the formation of ice. Damage caused due to this process is theoretically reversible as like before, but practically, rejuvenation is possible only by the foreseeable technology which is specific. Injury caused to brain because of low or stopping of blood flow which is as a result of complex series of process which takes more than 6min of time to complete the limit of resuscitation technology. Damage of blood vessels occurs first then the brain tissues if the process of rejuvenation occurs for more than 6 min. For permanent death of neurons, many hours are required. The process of cryopreservation provides a chance for resuscitation by having an opportunity between legal death and permanent loss of life in both humans and animals. At appropriate conditions, the time is taken between the beginning of clinical death and the start of cryopreservation procedures should be less than 1min. The process of cryonics occurs indirectly, but its evidence is applied in the different sectors of science. Any complex changes which are due to aging if reversible in the future, then the same changes are also reversible, which are caused due to stopped blood flow and cryonic process and provides life-saving results in the people who seeks medical help.
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Pavankumar Krosuri *, K. Madhavi, J. Sunayana and M. Sai Ganesh
Department of Pharmaceutics, Santhiram College of Pharmacy, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India.
09 December 2020
31 May 2021
09 June 2021
01 January 2022