AbstractOsteoarthritis is characterized by degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint as well as bony overgrowth. The main causes of Osteoarthritis are abnormality in limb, in development of joint, hereditary factors, history of joint injury, stress etc. Conventionally analgesics are used to reduce the pain, inflammation, joint swelling and stiffness. But these drugs have many side effects like gastro intestinal irritation, nausea, ulcers or bleeding, fluid retention, hypertension, renal insufficiency etc. Curcumin acts as an inhibitor for COX, 5-LOX and glutathione S Transferase. It also lowers the production of histamine. Its anti arthritic action in combination with NSAID was screened in this study. Animals were divided into 5 groups. Group 1 was control group. Group 2 was disease control with the induction of arthritis using nalidixic acid 40mg/Kg subcutaneously. Group 3 was administered with standard drug Diclofenac sodium (13mg/Kg) orally. The group 4 received standard drug along with Curcumin (200mg/Kg orally). Group 5 animals received pretreatment with curcumin (200mg/Kg) before the induction of Osteoarthritis. Physical or functional parameters such as arthritis index, motor coordination, paw volume, hyperalgesia were measured. Group 4 showed better recoveries when compared to other groups and group 5 showed no or less symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It demonstrates that curcumin when used along with NSAID as an adjuvant therapy has a role in treating and also in preventing Osteoarthritis. Hence it can be included in the studies for the development of new adjuvant drug to treat osteoarthritis improving the quality of life of patients.
Article Information
N. Sulthana*, K. Vijaya and B. B. Madhavi
Department of Pharmacology , Faculty of Pharmacy, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
18 April, 2017
10 July, 2017
25 July, 2017
01 January, 2018