Nitu Sinha * and Nisha Kumari Ojha,
Department of Kaumarbhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To Be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Autism is a group of psycho-neuro-developmental diseases in which children fail to acquire social interaction and other regular motor and verbal milestones, and some developmental issues are suspected. According to recent reports, prevalence rates have risen drastically from 4-6/10,000 in the early 1960s to 40-60/10,000 now. According to Ayurvedic literature, Unmada is a term for psychotic issues that encompasses many mental conditions, including autism. Aims and Objectives: Critical review and analysis of the effects of various conventional Ayurveda treatment modalities in the management of Autistic children. Material and Methods: Various Ayurveda classics and studies published in journals, as well as PubMed, and Medline databases related to effect of Ayurveda drugs, therapeutic process, and supportive therapy in management of Autistic children, are reviewed and appraised. Review Results: Multimodal management approach of an Ayurveda comprising the herbal supplements, Ayurveda Compounds, Abhyangam, Shiropichu, Shirolepa and a very specific, controlled and wholesome diet and Sattvavajaya chikitsa (Psychotherapy) with supportive therapy. These Ayurveda therapeutic approaches are used to manage autism with respect to psychosomatic disorder Unmada. Discussion: These treatments benefit autistic children by a different mechanism of action and improve their quality of life. Conclusion: The children with autism can become functional with the help of Ayurveda medicine supplementation, contributing members to their families and communities and their lives become better than before.
Keywords: Autism, Psycho-neurodevelopmental diseases, Herbal supplements, Sattvavajaya chikitsa
INTRODUCTION: Autism is a heterogeneous set of psycho-neurodevelopmental disorders that persists throughout the longevity of the individual whose definite etiology is still unknown. These developmental disorders are first suspected when the child fails to develop social interaction and other typical motor and language milestones.
With little variations, children present with cognitive impairment, socialization skills with typical behavioral peculiarities and speech and language deficits 1. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a multifactorial disorder resulting from genetic and non-genetic risk factors and their interaction.
There is a high recurrence risk (2-19%) for autism among siblings and a higher concordance rate (37-90%) in twin studies. Other risk factors are closer spacing of pregnancies, advanced maternal or paternal age, extremely premature birth (<26 weeks gestational age) and family members with learning problems, psychiatric disorders and social disability.
The male-female ratio is estimated to be 4:1. ASD is more common in males, but in a recent meta-analysis, the true male-to-female ratio is closer to 3:1 than the previously reported 4:1 2. The incidence of ASD may be higher in immigrant populations 3. According to recent reports, prevalence rates have changed dramatically from 4-6/10,000 in the early 60s to 40-60/10,000 according to recent reports 4. Due to these main reasons, i.e., awareness and diagnosis are much more prevalent and sophisticated, more than ever, the fetus and developing infants are exposed to chemicals, women have children later in life, and genetics, this prevalence has increased more than tenfold over the past 20 years 5.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) provides the standard language by which clinicians, researchers, and public health officials in the United States communicate about mental disorders. The current edition of the DSM, the fifth revision (DSM-5) 6, was published in May 2013. The DSM-5 classification also adds new clinical signs of stereotypical speech and also hyperreactivity or hyporeactivity to sensory input or interest in sensory aspects of the environment. According to different causes, autism is of two types: primary autism with an unknown cause and secondary autism.
In primary autism with unknown cause, diagnosis is made when there are impairments in reciprocal social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviour/restricted interest, and stereotyped patterns of behaviours or interests prior to the age of 3 years. But in secondary autism, there are found many causes which are associated with perinatal disorders (like rubella, encephalitis, cerebral palsy) and also with known genetic causes/metabolic errors (like fragile x syndrome, congenital infections secondary to rubella and cytomegalovirus, phenylketonuria, tuberous sclerosis) 7-13.
As per Ayurveda literature, Unmada is a term for psychotic problems that include many mental illnesses and covers autism. The symptoms of Unmada are the derangement in the Manas (mental functioning), Buddhi (application of acquired knowledge), Samjna (perceptions), jnana (experiences), Smriti (memory), Bhakti (emotional adhesions), Seela (conditioned activities), Chesta (behaviour) and Achara (socio-cultural activities) 14. The clinical features of autism merge well with that of Unmada.
Causes of Autism 15: As per Ayurveda, the causes of Autism (Unmada) are Beejadosha (Genetic alteration, mutation), Aharadosha (Indulgence in highly Vata vitiating diet and deeds immediately after conception) such as Viruddhahara (incompatible foods), Viharadosha (Inappropriate schedules), Manaabhighata (Injury to cerebrum during delivery may result in cerebral palsy), Vaikarikabhava such as Bhaya, Kopa, Shoka and Harsha (Emotional factors such as fear, anger, sorrow, pleasure etc.), unfulfilled desires in Dauhrida may hurt the mind in fetus.
Pathophysiology: According to the fundamentals of Ayurveda, Samprapti (pathogenesis) of any disease comprises the vitiated Dosha-Dushya (union) Sammurchhana. These vitiated components are manifested in full flown disease, when they exacerbate with already existing ‘Khavaigunya’16 (structural and functional alteration of body tissues/ system etc.). The aggravated Dosas become Unmargami (leave their place and reach the upper channels of the body) i.e., produce symptoms17. Vitiation of Tridoshas and Rajas and tamas lead to vitiation of Manovaha Srotas, which disturbs mental emotions and produce Unmada. When prominence of Kapha Dosha, then it is called Kaphaja Unmada. Symptoms of Kaphaja Unmada are staying in an unchanged position, silence, least movements, loss of appetite, liking of loneliness, disliking for cleanliness, excessive sleep, white colour, and stickiness in eyes 18, which is specifically similar to Autism symptoms.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Critical review and analysis of the effects of various conventional Ayurveda treatment modalities in the management of Autistic children.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Various Ayurveda classics and studies published in journals and PUBMED, MEDLINE database related to the effect of Ayurveda drugs, therapeutic process, and supportive therapy in the management of Autistic children are reviewed and appraised.
Review Results: Ayurveda has a lot of potential for training psychiatric and behavioural disorders with plant-based medications and Panchakarma therapies that don’t harm the body’s growing condition 19.
All these objects can be achieved by multimodal management approach of an Ayurveda comprising the Drug therapy (Shamana therapy and Shodhana therapy) and Sattvavajaya chikitsa (Psychotherapy). These Ayurveda therapeutic approaches are used in the management of autism with respect to psychosomatic disorder Unmada.
Drug Therapy: Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder where Ayurveda drug preparations are used in Shamana therapy and Shodhana therapy.
Shamana Therapy: Shamana therapy of autism (Unmada) includes Deepana, Pachana (Drugs and procedures that promote digestion), and Snehapana (internal oleation use of medicated ghee). The Ghrita preparations most commonly used in the management of Autism are Kallyanaka Ghrita, Mahakallyanaka Ghrita, Jivanthyadi Ghrita, Siddharthak Ghrita, Mahapaishachika Ghrita, Lashunadda Ghrita 20. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are beneficial in nearly 30% of children with autism 21. The consumption of EFAs for autism spectrum disorder designates a relationship between neuron function improvement and regeneration. It gives satisfactory outcomes and quantifiable improvements in the language and learning skills of autistic children 22. In autistic children, several herbs are recommended, including Guduchi 23, Aamalaki 24, Pippali 25, Trikatu 26 which provide digestive support. It is well recognized that bidirectional communication between the gut, the immune system, and the brain. For example, psychological stress can induce changes in gastrointestinal microbes. However, intestinal bacteria can directly communicate with the central nervous system through the vagal sensory nerve fibers and the peripheral immune system. The drugs which act as probiotics can be useful to restore the microbial balance in the intestine, relieve gastrointestinal problems and attenuate immunological abnormalities 27. According to their Pharmacological properties, some drugs which can be used in Autistic children are given the following.
S. no. | Drug Name | Karma | Therapeutic Uses | Pharmacological Action |
1 | Mandukaparni 28
(Centella asiatica)
Kaphapittahara, Balya, Deepana, Hridya, Medhya, Varnya, Visaghna, Svarya, Rasayana, Ayushya, Smritiprada
Shotha, Aruchi, Jwara, Kasa, Kandu, Kushtha, Prameha,Raktapitta, Shwasa, Pandu, Rakta Dosha | Cognitive and antioxidant properties 29, Antidepressant 30-31, Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory 32, Memory Enhancing 33, Immunomodulating 34-35
2 | Yastimadhu 36
(Glycirrhiza glabra) |
Vatapittajit, Balya, Chakshushya, Vrishya, Varnya, Raktaprasadana
Kasa, Kshaya, Svarabheda, Vatarakta, Vrana | Antioxidant 37, Regulation of gastrointestinal motility 38, Anti-inflammatory 39, Immuno-stimulating 40, learning and memory 41-42, Antidepressant 43-44, Antistress 45, Hepatoprotective and anti-hepatocarcinogenic46, Anticonvulsant47 |
3 | Guduchi 48(Tinospora cordifolia) | Tridoshashamaka,
Balya, Deepana, Rasayana, Sanghrahi, Raktashodhaka, Jwaraghna |
Jvara, Kushtha, Pandu,Prameha, Vatarakta, Kamala | Effect on Stress, Learning and Memory 49-52, Antioxidant 53-54, Anti-Inflammatory 55
4 | Shankhapushpi 56
(Convolvulus pleuricaulis) |
Balya, Ayushya, Medhya, Rasayana, Mohanashaka
Manasaroga, Apasmara | Effect on learning, memory and behaviour 57, Anxiolytic 58-60, Antidepressant 61, Antistress 62, Brain nourishment 63 |
5 | Brahmi64 (Bacopamonniera), | Kaphahara, Medhya, Rasayana, Svarya, Vatahara, Visahara, Ayusya, Matiprada, Prajasthapana, Mohahara | Kushtha, Jvara, Shopha, Pandu, Prameha, Manasavikara | Cognitive properties 65-66, Anti-depressant 67, Anxyolytic effect 68, Memory enhancer 69 |
6. | Vacha 70 (Acoruscalamus) | Deepana, Krimihara, Kanthya, Kaphahara, Medhya, Vatahara, Mala Mutravishodhana, V¡maka | Shoola, Apasmara, Svasa, Kasa, Vibandha, Unmada, Adhmana, KarnaSrava, SmritiDaurbalya. | Anticonvulsant Effect 71, Antidepressant Effect 72, Neuroprotective Effect 73, Antioxidant Effect 74
7. | Kushtha 75 (Saussurea lappa)
Kaphavatajit, Raktashodhaka, Varnya, Sukrala | Svasa, Kasa, Kushtha, Vatarakta, Visarpa | Anticonvulsant Effect 76, Gastro-protective effect 77, Anti-inflammatory effect 78, Spasmolytic effect 79 |
8. | Ashwagandha 80 (Withania somnifera)
Rasayana, Vatakaphapaha, Balya, Vajikarana | Shotha, Ksaya, Daurbalya, Vataroga, Klaibya | Improving memory and Cognitive Functions 81-82, Treating Neurodegenerative disorders 83 |
9. | Jyothishmati 84 (Celastrus panniculatus)
(Prabhava: Medhya), Sirovirecanopaga, Deepana, Kaphahara,
Vamaka, Vatahara, Virechaka, Medhya |
Vatavyadhi, Smritidaurbalya, Svitra. | Effect on the learning and memory 85, Anti-depressant effect 86, Cognitive properties and Antioxidant effect 87, Neuroprotective effect 88-89, Anti-anxiety activity 90, Anxiolytic potential effect 91 |
10. | Kushmanda 92 (Benincasa hispida),
Balya, Deepana,Hridya, Vrisya, Bastishodhaka, Mehana, Tridoshahara, Jirnanga, Pusti Prada, Bastishodhaka, Sramsana, Arochakahara, Vatapittajit | Mutraghata, Mutrakricchra, Prameha, Trishna, Ashmari, Manasa
Vikara, Malabandha |
Anti-depressant activity 93-94 Antioxidant Activity 95 |
11. | Jatamansi 96 (Nardosta chysjatamansi)
Medhya, Tridoshanut, Varnya, Nidrajanana, Kushaghna. | Daha, Kushtha, Visarpa, Manasaroga, Anidra | Improve learning and memory 97, Anti-depressant activity 98, stress modulating Antioxidant effect 99, Cognitive impairment 100 |
S. no. | Drugs | Descriptions |
1 | Saraswat
A total of 50 Geriatric Depression patients were randomly selected for the clinical investigation, based on the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for depression and their level of depression as measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30). Thirty patients were given Saraswata Churna (Group-A), while the other twenty were given Citalopram as a control (Group-B). The treatment trial lasted three months. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) was employed to assess medication response 101 |
2 | Saraswatarista
Animals were protected from Diazepam-induced learning and memory impairment by Saraswatarishta pre-treatment for two weeks. It can be employed as a preventative measure to overcome dementia in Alzheimer's disease, according to this observation. Saraswatarishta was not found to improve learning or memory in either a single dosage or a two-week continuous treatment. More research is planned to determine how Saraswatarishta affects Alzheimer's disease patients in order to confirm its favourable effects on demensia 102 |
3 | Panchagavya Ghrita
The study's goal was to evaluate PanchagavyaGhrita's efficacy in treating OCD to supportive psychotherapy. The study used a randomised controlled experiment with a sample size of 20 people, and the assessment was done using the Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. There were substantial differences between the trial and control groups. However, there was no statistical significance when comparing the two groups 103 |
4 | Kalyanaka Ghrita
It is said to help with personality disorders, insanity, cough, epilepsy, diseases caused by sinful deeds, anaemia, itching, poison, consumption, delusion, Diabetes mellitus, artificial poison, fever, scanty semen volume, infertility, in those whose minds have been influenced by gods, those with poor intelligence, stammering speech, who desire good memory, and those with poor digestive power. Strength, auspiciousness, long life, complexion, fortune, and sustenance are among the benefits it bestows. This is ideal for Pumsavana (male progeny treatment) 104 |
5 | Suvarnaprashana | Suvarnaprashana is a comprehensive Rasayana Chikitsa, administered for the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing of the children 105 |
Shodhana Therapy 106: Shodhana therapy is used in autistic children and Shamana therapy provide very significant effects. It consists of Abhyangam (oil massage), Mridushodhana (mild body purification by emesis or purgation), Siropichu (overhead application of special oil), Sirodhara (continuous pouring of specific oil over the forehead), and Sirolepam(medicinal paste application overhead region). The application of Abhyangam early in the morning can have massive health benefits (both physical and mental in the case of Autistic children) 107. Mridu Shodhana (mild body purification by purgation) helps flush out toxins from the body and improves the whole functioning of all organ systems in the body. It also has a curative effect on the vitiated Doshas of Pitta and Kapha, thus secondarily affecting the Rajo and Tamo Mano Doshas. This leads to improved psychological aptitude in a person’s approach to dealing with stressful conditions 108. Shodhana therapy in the form of Basti preceded by Snehana and Swedana is used to manage the Rasadusti in the body, which is present throughout the body 109.
In autistic children, Shiropichu has a greater effect. It's one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Taila is used in Shiropichu because it has a high density and a longer contact time.Due to Sukshma, Ushna & Vyavayi properties of Taila 110 it penetrates easily into Manovahasrotas, correcting vitiation of Manas Doshas (Raja & Tama). Brimhana, Balya, Vata Shamana, and Medhya qualities of Taila simultaneously correct all Manas Vikaras.
Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy): Sattvavajaya chikitsa is thought to be working on enhancing cognitive abilities in regularizing emotional discrepancy. Different methods used in the achievement of Sattvavachaya in Autistic children include 111 Bandhana and Tamogriha Rodhana (Detention in dark rooms- those who are attacking in nature), Tarjanam (admonishment), Trasanam (frightening), Danam (rewards, reinforcement), Harshanam (delighting), Santwanam (pacification), Vismayam (mystic). These methods are useful to get back these different mental abilities like Gyana (True knowledge of self-behaviour), Vigyana (Specific Knowledge), Dhairya (Patience), Smriti (Memory), Samadhi112 (Mental equanimity), Dharaniya Vega Dharana 113 (Mental urge control), Ahitanam Anupasevana and HitanamUpasevana114 (withdrawal of unwholesome regimens and adoption of wholesome regimens) deranged in Autistic children to normalcy. The factors that help the mind make a stable, firm and right decision with interest in having a healthy body status that is Samyak Artha Grahana are Dhee, Dhriti, and Smriti. The factors that help the mind make a stable, firm and right decision with interest in having a healthy body status that is Samyak Artha Grahana are Dhee, Dhriti, and Smriti.
Supportive Therapies 115: Supportive therapies should be focused on (in young kids) language, speech, special education, parent education, training, and support. In an older child / Adolescent (with relatively higher intelligence) but poor social skills. So, psychotherapy and behavioural therapy are required. Working with families of Autistic children is vital. In general, services/care for the autistic child are the following:
- Early (started before 3 years age child) intensive behavioural and educational rehabilitation.
- Use of visual structures for optimal education.
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS),
- Multidisciplinary training for all professionals.
- Methods are adapted for spontaneous language improvement.
- Hold in a language increases communication, increases communication, and decreases the tendency of autism.
- Social skill training.
- Vigorous aversion therapy
- Auditory integration training is also hopeful.
Pathya and Apathya (Wholesome & Unwholesome diet and habit) for Autism (Unmada) 116: The foods indicated for Autism (Unmada) are Cow’s milk, Goghrita, Good sleep, Puran Shali (old rice paddy), Shashtik (Rice), Draksha (Grapes), Yava (Barley), Lajasaktu (roasted parched paddy powder) etc. and are contraindicated for autism are alcohol, pungent and spicy food, penetrative and irritant food, irritating, insulting incidences and activities, suppression of natural urges, incompatible and polluted food, sleeplessness.
DISCUSSION: Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact or form relationships with other people. With the help of Ayurveda management, patients with autism can become functional, contributing members to their families and communities. According to Ayurveda, the management of autism is based on the motive to reduce the effect of ‘Khavaigunya’ by restoring the functions of other pathological markers. Vitiated Sharira Doshas and Manas Doshas, which in turn, may be helpful in reducing problematic behaviour that would be adaptive at lower rates and maintain this adaptive behaviour for longer duration. In addition, it may help acquire new skills of learning and communication.
Drug therapy (Shamana therapy and Shodhana therapy) and Sattvavajaya chikitsa (Psychotherapy) are used for management of autistic children. Shamana therapy pacifies Doshas of the body and does not expel them from tissues, similar to vomiting or purging. Herbal supplements are used to improve cognitive function, language, and learning skills. Medicated Ghrita preparations are used in autism which absorbs and readily enter the brain through the blood-brain barrier.The selection of a particular Ghrita preparation is decided based on two things. Primarily you have to decide whether the selected Ghrita is indicated for psychological Disorders. Secondly, the selected ghee should improve the foremost humor of the specific clinical subtype of autism. Managing the immune system needs of autistic children by using Ayurvedic theories requires a constant focus on sustaining proper immune function. Probiotics have been shown to support immune system function and digestive support.
This is critical for autistic people because many have shown signs of impaired or reduced immune systems. Shodhana therapy expels Doshas from tissues and cells (at the micro-level), similar to emesis or purging or by both actions. The Doshas are metabolized by the liver and excreted from the body. Ayurveda also proceeds into a description of autism caused by microbial infestation, which can give rise to endotoxins in the child’s body. When the microbial infestation reaches the brain, then disruption of the brain functions is done by attacking nerve cells and causes deterioration of the child's developmental skills 117.
With the help of Shodhana therapy, the endotoxin produced by microbial infestation is removed, and autistic children are improved their brain function. Abhyangam (Oil massage) provides significant relief to patients suffering from anxiety and depression because these therapies have a smoothening effect on the nervous system, relax the tensed muscles, and increase blood circulation. Shiropichu (Pouring of specific oil over the forehead) and Shirolepa (medicinal paste application overhead region) are done to enhance the concentration of the mind continuously in autistic children by the proper functioning of the nervous system. In comparison to other body regions, the skin over the scalp is thin, and absorption is faster and more from the scalp. Shiropichu's local effect is determined by the type of medicine utilized during the operation and drug cellular absorption via the transdermal route. According to modern medicine, local application, such as ointment, passes through the stratum corneum into the blood artery and reaches the proper organ.
Similarly, the oil on the forehead is rapidly absorbed and reaches the brain's cortex. It increases circulation by rectifying cerebral circulation, which is critical in times of stress. Therefore, Abhyanga, Shiropichu and Shirolepa, and Shamana therapy are very useful in autistic children.
Sattvavajaya chikitsa (Psychotherapy) mainly aims to control the mind, regularize the functions of the mind, and prevent the mind from those factors that disturb its functions. The mind should be educated and trained to avoid and desensitize unwholesome factors to the self (mind and the body) and society. Therefore, the mind has to decide which is good and bad as soon as it gets exposed to the external environmental hazards and takes a decision within no time by keeping interested in the body's health status.
Children with autism have difficulty and lack interest in interacting and communicating with other people. Hence, proper function with the integrity of these three cognitive elements (Dhee, Dhriti, and Smriti) enables the mind to work at its best. Direct knowledge is provided by a consequence of the conjunction of soul, mind, sense organ, and their objects, but merely after the mediation of Buddhi 118. Memorization (Smriti) is a function carried out by Udana Vayu. However, in an older autistic child, working memory functions are realized extensively upset, while long-term memory may remain intact due to repetitive maintenance practice. This may be suggestive of the ongoing degradation of Udanavayu. Derangement of Udana Vayu is responsible for speech impairment also 119. As cognitive function represented by Sadhaka Pitta 120 can be denoted in the form of Buddhi and Medha, the function of emotional and social cues is represented as Bhaya, Shaurya, etc. Along with Ayurveda management, it is more beneficial for autistic children when we give supportive therapies. These supportive therapies improve cognition, communication, IQ, language, academic performance, adaptive and social functioning and decrease inappropriate behaviours such as aggression, hyperactivity, and temper tantrums.
Pathya Aahara and Vihaara (Wholesome & Unwholesome diet and habit) are invariably a part of management. Specific types of food, i.e., dairy products, nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers), citrus fruits, peanuts, preservatives, colours, food additives, insecticides, pesticides and heavy metals are thought to contribute to the significant impact on symptoms associated with autistic children. Autistic children are also more expected to suffer from food sensitivities resulting from improper digestion of foods, frequently resulting from weakened digestive and immune systems. This often causes incompletely digested food to move into the bloodstream, causing an autoimmune attack and a response comparable to an allergic reaction. Naturally occurring probiotics have demonstrated the ability to promote healthy digestion and strong immune system function 121.
CONCLUSION: Present review study shows that ayurvedic management with supportive therapies provides a good response in autistic children. Autism disturbs normal brain functions, impacting brain areas responsible for social interaction and aggression. Currently, in modern medicine, a permanent cure for autism does not exist; research has provided several useful findings to assist with managing the symptoms associated with autism. Through the strategic practice of Ayurveda medicine supplementation like Herbal supplements, Ayurvedic Compounds, Abhyangam, Shiropichu, Shirolepa, and a very specific, controlled, and wholesome diets, patients with autism can become functional, contributing members of their families and communities and their life become better than before. Hence, traditional approaches in the form of drug therapy (Shamana & Shodhana) and Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy) and supportive therapies like intensive behavioural and educational rehabilitation are highly beneficial in the management of autistic children.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors are thankful to the institute for providing the necessary facilities.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article:
Sinha N and Ojha NK: Effect of ayurvedic therapy in the management of autism in children: a review. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2022; 13(8): 3007-17. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.13(8).3007-17.
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Nitu Sinha * and Nisha Kumari Ojha,
Department of Kaumarbhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed To Be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
14 December 2021
09 February 2022
, 26 May 2022
01 August 2022