Nitesh Kumar* and Sunil Kumar Sakhya
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science and A. H., Rewa – 486001 Madhya Pradesh, India
Curcuma longa(Turmeric) is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and is thought to be indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It is grown and harvested commercially in India, China, and many regions of tropical Southeast Asia. Turmeric is an approved food additive and is commercially available at low cost. Indigenous systems of medicine, including the Ayurvedic systems, have widely used turmeric for centuries in the treatment of many inflammatory conditions and diseases such as biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds, hepatic disorders, rheumatism and sinusitis. Turmeric’s active constituents are yellowish orange volatile oils called curcuminoids known as curcumin, which has demonstrated antioxidant, antineoplastic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticoagulant, antifertility, cardiovascular protective, hepatoprotective, and immunostimulant activity in animals. Curcuminoids inhibit leukotriene biosynthesis via the lipoxygenase pathway and decrease prostaglandin formation. Some workers observed that Curcumin has caused apoptosis in various cancer cell lines and animal tumor cells and may inhibit angiogenesis. Today, turmeric has found application all over the world in various purposes such as medicinal purpose, cosmetic purpose, dyeing, skin care and coloring purpose. Present review indicating that Curcuma longa(Turmeric or Haldi)is a versatile indigenous plant to the Indian subcontinent having economic importance and can be promoted for diversified applications like medicinal and other potential uses.
Keywords: |
Curcuma longa, Turmeric, Haldi, Curcumin, Medicinal properties
INTRODUCTION: Curcuma longa(Turmeric) is a member of the ginger family {Zingiberaceae(Figure 1)} and is thought to be indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It is grown and harvested commercially in India, China, and many regions of tropical south Asia and needs temperatures between 20 °C and 30 °C and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Turmeric is best known for its culinary use as a major component of curry powder. In the United States, turmeric is an approved food additive and is commercially available at low cost reported 1. Turmeric is commonly called haridra or haldi in India. Turmeric is known as "Manjal" and turmeric powder is known as "Manjal Thool" in Tamil language and in Tamil Nadu, India.In medieval Europe, turmeric became known as Indian saffron, since it was widely used as an alternative to the far more expensive saffron spice. Its active ingredient is curcumin and it has a distinctly earthy, slightly bitter, slightly hot peppery flavor and a mustardy smell. It shows up as a coloring agent in items as diverse as pharmaceuticals, yellow mustards, and cosmetics as well as in dyes for hair and fur 2.
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Liopsida
Subclass : Zingiberidae
Order : Zingiberales
Family : Zingiberaceae
Genus : Curcuma
Species : Longa
Scientific name: Curcuma longa
History: Curcuma longa has been cultivated for thousands of years in India and Southeast Asia. The plant was introduced to China and Africa in the 7th and 8th centuries. In recounting his travels, Curcuma longa was eventually introduced to Jamaica in the 18th century. Currently, commercial production is primarily focused in India and Southeast Asia. The plant is cultivated in home gardens in tropical areas throughout the world. Indigenous systems of medicine, including the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems, have widely used turmeric for centuries in the treatment of many inflammatory conditions and diseases 3.In India, turmeric has been traditionally used primarily for arthritic and muscular disorders, while in China it has been used as a topical analgesic and for conditions ranging from flatulence, colic, and ringworm to hepatitis and chest pain 4.
Distribution of Curcuma longa: In the Indian Ayurveda system of herbal medicine, turmeric is known as strengthening and warming to the whole body. Traditional uses in India include to improve digestion, to improve intestinal flora, to eliminate worms, to relieve gas, to cleanse and strengthen the liver and gallbladder, to normalize menstruation, for relief of arthritis and swelling, as a blood purifier, to warm and promote proper metabolism correcting both excesses and deficiencies, for local application on sprains, burns, cuts, bruises, insect bites and itches, for soothing action in cough and asthma, as antibacterial and anti-fungus, and in any condition of weakness or debility.
Erode, a city in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is the world's largest producer and most important trading center of turmeric in Asia. For these reasons, Erode in history is also known as "Yellow City" or "Turmeric City". Sangli, a town in the southern part of the Indian western state of Maharashtra, is the second largest and most important trading center for turmeric in Asia. India produces 600,000 tons of turmeric annually which is 75% of world production of 800,000 tons.
According to Michael Moriarty, “The ancient Hawaiians used this herb for many things, including the prevention and treatment of sinus infections, ear infections (swimmers ear) and gastrointestinal ulcers.”
The old herbals of Europe make little if any mention of turmeric. Marco Polo refers to turmeric as Indian saffron used for dying cloth.
Morphology of Curcuma longa: Curcuma longa is a perennial herb, with a short stem, tufted leaf and the rhizomes, which are short and thick and from root to leaves about 2 feet long, deeply veined leaves that project upward from stems that grow from the base of the plant. The leaf color is deep green and the surface is glossy and smooths (Figure 2). The flowers range from white to light yellow and form a tall spike (Figure 3).
The rhizomes, specialized underground stems that are root-like in structure have a brown surface and bright orange or yellow interior flesh and after cutting, it is in curved cylindrical or oblong tubers 2 or 3 inches in length, and an inch in diameter, pointed or tapering at one end, yellowish externally, with transverse, parallel rings internally deep orange or reddish brown, marked with shining points, dense, solid, short, granular fracture, forming a lemon yellow powder (Figure 3).
Active Constituents: The active constituents of turmeric are the flavonoidcurcumin (diferuloylmethane) and various volatile oils, including tumerone, atlantone, and zingiberone. Turmeric contains up to 5% essential oils and up to 5% curcumin, a polyphenol. Other constituents include sugars, proteins, and resins.
Turmeric's active constituents are yellowish orange volatile oils called curcuminoids. There is currently great interest in the curcuminoid known as curcumin, Curcumin is the active substance of turmeric and is known as Natural Yellow. The systematic chemical name is (1E, 6E)-1, 7-bis (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1, 6 heptadiene-3, 5-dione. It can exist at least in two tautomeric forms, keto and enol (Figure 4). The keto form is preferred in solid phase and the enol form in solution. Curcumin is a pH indicator. In acidic solutions (pH <7.4) it turns yellow, whereas in basic (pH > 8.6) solutions it turns bright red.
Ethnopharmacology of Curcuma longa root: There is currently great interest in the curcuminoid known as curcumin, which has demonstrated antioxidant, antineoplastic, antiviral, and immunosuppressive activity in vitro and in animals.
Jordan et al., 5 observed that curcuminoids inhibit leukotriene biosynthesis via the lipoxygenase pathway and decrease prostaglandin formation. Curcumin has caused apoptosis in various cancer cell lines and animal tumor cells and may inhibit angiogenesis 6, 7. Curcumin has antiseptic and antiparasitic activity. It preferentially inhibits platelet aggregation induced by platelet-activating factor and arachidonic acid 8.
Pharmacokinetics: Pharmacokinetic studies in animals have demonstrated that 40-85 percent of an oral dose of curcumin passes through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged, with most of the absorbed flavonoid being metabolized in the intestinal mucosa and liver 10, 11. Due to its low rate of absorption, curcumin is often formulated with bromelain for increased absorption and enhanced anti-inflammatory effect.Hata et al., 9 studied on rats and mice; dietary curcumin has demonstrated preventive activity against carcinogenesis in the skin, colon, forestomach, and duodenum. Curcumin blocks certain cyclosporine-resistant pathways of T-cell proliferation and thus may be a potential adjuvant immunosuppressive agent for the treatment of cancer 1. Case reports of decreases in p24 antigen with the ingestion of 2.5 g of curcumin daily for seven days led to a study of curcumin in 60 patients with HIV infection 2.
Curcumin has an estimated bioavailability of 65% after oral administration. It inhibits cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme 1A1 and is metabolized by glucuronidation 9. The Tmax and t1/2 is 3.29 and 6.77 h.
Pharmacological action of Curcuma longa:
- Antioxidant Effects: Free radicals can originate from environmental chemicals, tissue injury, infections and auto-immune processes. Antioxidants protect the body from damage from free radicals. Water- and fat-soluble extracts of turmeric and its curcumin component exhibit strong antioxidant activity, comparable to vitamins C and E. One study showed curcumin to be eight times more powerful than vitamin E in preventing lipid peroxidation 12. A study of ischemia in the feline heart demonstrated that curcumin pretreatment decreased ischemia-induced changes in the heart 13. An in vitro study measuring the effect of curcumin on endothelial heme oxygenase-1, an inducible stress protein, was conducted utilizing bovine aortic endothelial cells. Incubation (18 hours) with curcumin resulted in enhanced cellular resistance to oxidative damage 14.
- Hepatoprotective Effects: Turmeric has been found to have a hepatoprotective characteristic similar to silymarin. Animal studies have demonstrated turmeric’s hepatoprotective effects from a variety of hepatotoxic insults, including carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), galactosamine, acetaminophen (paracetamol) and Aspergillus aflatoxin 15. Turmeric’s hepatoprotective effect is mainly a result of its antioxidant properties, as well as its ability to decrease the formation of proinflammatory cytokines.
In rats with CCl4-induced acute and subacute liver injury, curcumin administration significantly decreased liver injury in test animals compared to controls.Turmeric extract inhibited fungal aflatoxin production by 90 percent when given to ducklings infected with Aspergillus parasiticus. Turmeric and curcumin also reversed biliary hyperplasia, fatty changes, and necrosis induced by aflatoxin production. Sodium curcuminate, a salt of curcumin, also exerts choleretic effects by increasing biliary excretion of bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin, as well as increasing bile solubility, therefore possibly preventing and treating cholelithiasis 15.
- Anti-inflammatory Activity: The volatile oils and curcumin of Curcuma longa exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects. Oral administration of curcumin in instances of acute inflammation was found to be as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone, and one-half as effective in cases of chronic inflammation 16. In rats with Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis, oral administration of Curcuma longa significantly reduced inflammatory swelling compared to controls. In monkeys, curcumin inhibited neutrophil aggregation associated with inflammation.
Curcuma longa’s anti-inflammatory properties may be attributed to its ability to inhibit both biosynthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins from arachidonic acid, and neutrophil function during inflammatory states. Curcumin may also be applied topically to counteract inflammation and irritation associated with inflammatory skin conditions and allergies. After intraperitoneal administration, curcumin and sodium curcuminate exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenin-induced oedema test in rats and mice 16.
- Anticarcinogenic Effects: Animal studies involving rats and mice, as well as in vitro studies utilizing human cell lines, have demonstrated curcumin’s ability to inhibit carcinogenesis at three stages: tumor promotion, angiogenesis, and tumor growth 17. In two studies of colon and prostate cancer, curcumin inhibited cell proliferation and tumor growth. Turmeric and curcumin are also capable of suppressing the activity of several common mutagens and carcinogens in a variety of cell types in both in vitro and in vivo studies 18. The anticarcinogenic effects of turmeric and curcumin are due to direct antioxidant and free-radical scavenging effects, as well as their ability to indirectly increase glutathione levels, thereby aiding in hepatic detoxification of mutagens and carcinogens, and inhibiting nitrosamine formation 17, 18.
- Antimicrobial Effects: Extract and the essential oil of Curcuma longa inhibit the growth of a variety of bacteria, parasites, and pathogenic fungi. A study of chicks infected with the caecal parasite Eimera maxima demonstrated that diets supplemented with 1-percent turmeric resulted in a reduction in small intestinal lesion scores and improved weight gain. Another animal study, in which guinea pigs were infected with either dermatophytes, pathogenic molds, or yeast, found that topically applied turmeric oil inhibit dermatophytes and pathogenic fungi, but neither curcumin nor turmeric oil affected the yeast isolates.
Improvements in lesions were observed in the dermatophyte- and fungi-infected guinea pigs, and at seven days post-turmeric application the lesions disappeared 19. Curcumin has also been found to have moderate activity against Plasmodium falciparum and Leishmania major organisms 20.
- Cardiovascular Effects: Turmeric’s protective effects on the cardiovascular system include lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, decreasing susceptibility of low density lipoprotein (LDL) to lipid peroxidation and inhibiting platelet aggregation 21. These effects have been noted even with low doses of turmeric. A study of 18 atherosclerotic rabbits given low-dose (1.6-3.2 mg/kg body weight, daily) turmeric extract demonstrated decreased susceptibility of LDL to lipid peroxidation, in addition to lower plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
The higher dose did not decrease lipid peroxidation of LDL, but cholesterol and triglyceride level decreases were noted, although to a lesser degree than with the lower dose. Turmeric extract’s effect on cholesterol levels may be due to decreased cholesterol uptake in the intestines and increased conversion of cholesterol to bile acids in the liver.
Inhibition of platelet aggregation by Curcuma longa constituents is thought to be via potentiation of prostacyclin synthesis and inhibition of thromboxane synthesis 22.
- Gastrointestinal Effects: Extract of Curcuma longa exert several protective effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Sodium curcuminate inhibited intestinal spasm and p-tolymethylcarbinol, a turmeric component, increased gastrin, secretin, bicarbonate, and pancreatic enzyme secretion 23. Turmeric has also been shown to inhibit ulcer formation caused by stress, alcohol, indomethacin, pyloric ligation, and reserpine, significantly increasing gastric wall mu;cus in rats 23.
Dosage: A dose of turmeric powder is 500 - 8,000 mg per day used in human studies. Standardized extracts are typically used in lower amounts, in the 250-2,000 mg range. For arthritis, dosages of 8-60 g of fresh turmeric root three times daily or 400-600 mg of curcumin three times daily have been recommended by oral route 24. For dyspepsia, 1.5-3 g of turmeric root is recommended. Preparations of the root should be standardized to contain not less than 3% curcumin and not less than 3% volatile oils.
Adverse Effects: No significant toxicity has been reported following either acute or chronic administration of turmeric extracts at standard doses. At very high doses (100 mg/kg body weight), curcumin may be ulcerogenic in animals, as evidenced by one rat study. There are no reported adverse effects of curcumin or turmeric, except rare cases of allergic contact dermatitis. One case occurred as an occupational illness in a miller working in a spice shop.
Many Indian women apply turmeric to their skin in an effort to minimize unwanted hair growth, but few experience dermatitis of 62 patients completing an 18-month study of the topical use of curcumin to treat skin and mucous membrane cancers, only 1 reported an adverse effect, scalp itching.
Some investigators have reported the potential for gastric ulceration with high-dose curcumin on the basis of animal studies, but the data are inconsistent with some studies suggesting antiulcerogenic effects. There has been concern about the possibility of additive antiplatelet activity, although there have been no reports of this in humans 25.
Drug Interactions: Curcumin has no interactions with drugs. Because of the possibility of additive anti-platelet activity, caution should be taken with respect to concurrent use of curcumin with anticoagulants and with medications and dietary supplements known to have antiplatelet activity. Some references have suggested that curcumin decreases the effect of immune suppressants without providing supporting data 24.
Contraindications: The American Herbal Products Association classifies turmeric as a menstrual stimulant and some sources recommend avoiding curcumin in pregnancy. Its use is not recommended during breast-feeding, as effects on breast-feeding infants are unknown. Turmeric should be avoided in patients with bleeding disorders and bile duct obstruction and should be used only under the supervision of a physician in patients with gallstones 26.
Uses: Curcuma longa rhizome powder is usage dates back from 3000 B.C. in India. From a significant part in daily cuisine to treating diseases like cancer, turmeric is beneficial to mankind. It is impossible to think of Indian food without turmeric. Today, turmeric has found application all over the world in various purposes such as medicinal purpose, cosmetic purpose, dyeing and coloring purpose. Woman in India apply turmeric before taking bath as its antibacterial property protects the skin from infects and protects it from harsh sunlight.
- Medicinal Use
- Food Use
- Cosmetic Use
Medicinal Use: Powdered rhizome is used to treat wounds, bruises, inflamed joints and sprains in Nepal. In current traditional Indian medicine, it is used for the treatment of biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds, hepatic disorders, rheumatism and sinusitis 27. A short clinical trial in 18 patients with definite rheumatoid arthritis showed significant improvement in morning stiffness and joint swelling after two weeks of therapy with oral doses of 120 mg/ day. Application of the powder in combination with other plant products is also reported for purification of blood and for menstrual and abdominal problems.
In patients undergoing surgery, oral application of curcumin reduces post-operative inflammation. Recently, curcumin has been formulated as slow-release biodegradable microspheres for the treatment of inflammation in arthritic rats. It is evident from the study that curcumin biodegradable microspheres could be successfully employed for therapeutic management of inflammation 28.
Turmeric is a member of the Ginger family and is one of the most valuable holistic ingredients you can feed to your poultry to help prevent disease in your flocks. Turmeric is responsible for the golden colour of our feeds.
Clinical Indications:
- Hepatoprotection, Cholelithiasis and Cholestasis: Turmeric’s hepatoprotective effects, evidenced in a number of animal studies, suggest it may be used in cases of toxic insult due to exogenous toxins from lifestyle and environmental exposures. Curcumin has choleretic activity that increases bile output and solubility, which may be helpful in treating gallstones 15.
- Inflammation: Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory with specific lipoxygenase- and COX-2- inhibiting properties. Animal, in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate turmeric’s effectiveness at decreasing both acute and chronic inflammation. A double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled human study of 42 patients with osteoarthritis used a combination product containing turmeric, Boswellia serrata, Withania somnifera and zinc. After three months on the combination or placebo, patients noted a significant reduction in pain (p<0.001) and disability (p<0.05) 16.
- Cancer: Numerous animal, in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the anticarcinogenic effects of turmeric and its flavonoid component curcumin against colon, breast and prostate cancers, as well as melanoma 29. Curcumin, one of the most studied chemopreventive agents that allow suppression, retardation or inversion of carcinogenesis.
Curcumin is also described as an anti-tumoral, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent capable of inducing apoptosis in numerous cellular systems 30.
- Lung cancer: Zhang et al., 31 investigated that the mechanism of anti-tumor effects of curcumin on human lung cancer cell (A549). Curcumin can interfere with cell growth cycle of A549 cell and suppress cell growth.
- Colon cancer: Sun et al. 32 investigated that curcumin inhibits the growth of HT-29 and WiDr cells in colon cancer.
- Bladder cancer: Curcumin can suppress the growth; induce apoptosis of bladder cancer EJ cell in vitro. Its mechanism is related with down-regulations of the expressions of NF-kappa B and Cyclin D1. Curcumin has great potential for the treatment of bladder cancer 32.
- Breast cancer: Curcumin inhibits the proliferation in both estrogen receptor (ER) positive MCF-7 cells and ER negative MDA-MB-231 cells. Means Curcumin exerts multiple suppressive effects on breast carcinoma cells 33.
- Melanoma: Curcumin induced melanoma cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, curcumin arrested cell growth at the G(2)/M phase and induced apoptosis in human melanoma cells by inhibiting nuclear factor (NF) kappa B activation and thus depletion of endogenous nitric oxide. Therefore, Curcumin should be considered further as a potential therapy for patients with melanoma 34.
- Hyperlipidemia: Animal and in vitro studies have shown the potential for turmeric to decrease blood lipids. Further clinical studies need to be performed in this area to discover optimal dosages for cardiovascular protection and lipid lowering 22.
- Gastric Ulcer: An open, phase II trial was performed on 25 patients with endoscopically-diagnosed gastric ulcer. Participants were given 600 mg powdered turmeric five times daily. After four weeks, ulcers had completely healed in 48 percent of patients. The success rate increased over time, with 76 percent being ulcer free after 12 weeks of treatment. No significant adverse reactions or blood abnormalities were noted 23.
- Chronic Anterior uveitis: Thirty-two patients with chronic anterior uveitis (inflammation of uvia layer) took 375 mg curcumin three times daily for 12 weeks. Curcumin was effective in 86 percent of individuals, and was as effective as corticosteroid therapy, the only available standard treatment 7.
- Anti diabetic activity: Curcuma longa rhizome extract showed blood glucose lowering activity in experimental, induced- diabetic rats. Curcumin treatment also significantly reduced macrophage infiltration of white adipose tissue, increased adipose tissue adiponectin production, and decreased hepatic nuclear factor-kappa B activity, hepatomegaly, and markers of hepatic inflammation. We therefore conclude that orally ingestedcurcumin reverses many of the inflammatory and metabolic derangements associated with obesity and improve glycemic control in case of diabetic rat 35.
- Anticoagulant activity: Curcumin shows anticoagulant activity by inhibiting collagen and adrenaline-induced platelet aggregation in vitro as well as in vivo in rat thoracic aorta 22.
- Antifertility activity: Petroleum ether and aqueous extracts of turmeric rhizomes show 100% antifertility effect in rats when fed orally. Implantation is completely inhibited by these extracts. Curcumin inhibits 5a-reductase, which converts testosterone to 5a-dihydrotestosterone, thereby inhibiting the growth of flank organs in hamster. Curcumin also inhibits human sperm motility and has the potential for the development of a novel intravaginal contraceptive 36.
- Alzheimer's disease: Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves amyloid (Abeta) accumulation, oxidative damage and inflammation. The phenolic yellow curry pigment curcumin has potent anti inflammatory and antioxidant activities and can suppress oxidative damage, inflammation, cognitive deficits, and amyloid accumulation 37.
- Arthritis: The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has recently emerged as a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Curcumin and caffeic acid were found to be the most potent inhibitors 38.
Food Use: Curcuma longa is widely cultivated for its rhizomes and rhizome powder also commonly known as turmeric and turmeric powder (Figure 5) which is used as a bright yellow-orange culinary spice. It has been known as poor man's saffron because it offers a less expensive alternative yellow colouring.
In Curcuma longa, curcumin is the primary pigment and is generally used in various food industries as a food color. It is mainly used in dairy products, beverages, cereal, confectionary, ice cream, bakery, and savory products.
Turmeric is mostly used in flavored milk drinks, cultured milk and desserts to obtain lemon and banana colors in dairy.
Turmeric is added at higher levels to sausages, pickles, relishes, sauces, dry mixes, and fish due to its original usage as a spice 39.
Nutritional Value of Turmeric
Value per 100 grams
- Moisture : 13.100 gm
- Protein : 6.300 gm
- Fat : 5.100 gm
- Minerals : 3.500 gm
- Fibre : 2.600 gm
- Carbohydrates: 69.400 gm
- Energy : 349.000 K cal
- Calcium : 150.000 mg
- Phosphorus : 282.000 mg
- Iron : 67.800 mg
In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamine and niacin.
Two teaspoons of turmeric powder contains
- Iron : 1.88 milligrams
- Vitamin B : 0.08 milligrams
- Dietary fiber : 0.96 grams
- Potassium : 114.48 milligrams
- Manganese : 0.36 grams
Cosmetic Use: Since time immemorial, turmeric is very popular in cosmetic use especially for woman. In the world, the biggest users of turmeric are in India. India is also major producer of turmeric. These natural plant's extracts used in cosmetic products marketed for skin care and hair care.
Skin Care and Colouring: Turmeric is used in many celebrations of Hindus. Especially in Hindu wedding brides would rub with turmeric on their bodies for glowing look. New born babies also rubbed with turmeric on their forehead for good luck.
Traditionally women rub turmeric on their cheeks to produce a natural golden glow, extract of turmeric has been added to creams for use as a colouring agent. A compound called curcumin is the yellow pigment in turmeric.
Washing in turmeric improves skin complexion and also reduces hair growth on body. Now days there are lots of herbal products in the market in which main herb used is turmeric as natural ingredient. These constitute home remedies for skin and hair problems.
Natural cleansers like milk with turmeric powder are effective natural cosmetics in themselves; it brings a healthy glow to the skin and makes them beautiful. Turmeric is also very effective tonic and a blood purifier. It is also skin-friendly and constitutes an important ingredient of many creams and lotions.
Hair Care: For the treatment of dandruff, and as hair colorants and dyes, plant extracts are used as hair growth stimulators, the mechanism of action appears to be an acceleration of blood circulation or increased nutrition to the hair follicles.
CONCLUSION: Turmeric has been used in ayurvedic medicine since ancient times, with various biological applications. Although some work has been done on the possible medicinal applications, no studies for drug-development have been carried out as yet. Although the crude extract has numerous medicinal applications, clinical applications can be made only after extensive research on its bioactivity, mechanism of action, pharmacotherapeutics and toxicity studies.
However, as curcumin is now available in pure form, which shows a wide spectrum of biological activities, it would be easier to develop new drugs from this compound after extensive studies on its mechanism of action and pharmacological effects. Recent years have seen an increased enthusiasm in treating various diseases with natural products. Curcumin is a non-toxic, highly promising natural antioxidant compound having a wide spectrum of biological functions. It is expected that curcumin may find application as a novel drug in the near future to control various diseases, including inflammatory disorders, carcinogenesis and oxidative stress-induced pathogenesis.
Although the quality of the available clinical studies is questionable, turmeric appears generally safe. Well-designed clinical trials are probably warranted to clarify turmeric's role, if any, in the prevention and treatment of several cancers, as well as in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and several ocular conditions.
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How to cite this article:
Kumar N and Sakhya SK: Ethnopharmacological Properties of Curcuma longa: A Review. Int J Pharm Sci Res.,2013 4(1); 103-112.
Article Information
Nitesh Kumar* and Sunil Kumar Sakhya
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science and A. H., Rewa – 486 001 Madhya Pradesh, India
03 September, 2012
03 September, 2012
28 December, 2012
01 January, 2013