AbstractFemale infertility is the major disorder which has altered the man kind foe lack of conception and reproducibility, stressful world, excess radiation, lack of biological food, genetically disorder ,changing life style, increased electronic discharge have resulted the female infertility. Infertility/ childlessness cause great personal suffering & distress. Most of this agony & misery is hidden from the public gaze. That is the reason this topic is not discussed about openly. The dismal ignorance & neglect about the causes of childlessness and its treatment are main reason for the lack of public support for childless couple. Female fertility can be limited or diminished or destroyed in a number of ways. Women have a finite number of germs cells and follicles that are available for a limited period, from menarche to menopause, during their lifetimes. The process of ovulation is mediated by the interactions of hypothalamic, pituitary and ovarian hormones. Interference with ovulation can occur at any one or combinations of these sites. The oviducts can be distorted or blocked by the consequences of endometriosis or infection. The quality of the ova and spontaneous pregnancy decreases steadily with age. Drugs are available that stimulate ovulation and donor eggs can be used. The cryopreservation of ova or ovarian tissue is technique now receiving research attention. Diagnosis is straightforward when causes are severe and laparoscopy is still the preferred method for assessing for tubal factor infertility and endometriosis. IVF remains the dominant treatment, although traditional measures still have a major role. Internationally, IVF opportunities are limited in view of cost. About 10-15% of couples experience some difficulty with fertility. Remedies range from a visit to a primary physician, education and adjustments in timing attempts to conceive, to placing the entire reproductive process in the hands of specialist.
Article Information
Samiksha Sharma*, Mahaveer P. Khinchi, Natasha Sharma, Dilip Agrawal and M. K. Gupta
Kota College of Pharmacy, SP-1 RIICO Industrial Area, Ranpur, Kota, Rajasthan, India
28 July, 2010
07 November, 2010
25 December, 2010
01 January, 2011