AbstractAim: The aim of the study was to determine the outcomes and complication of preeclampsia syndrome in pregnancies
Methodology: It was a Prospective observational study conducted at Indira Gandhi memorial hospital, Shirpur, Dhule. In this study a total 971 primigravida and multigravida pregnant women was observed out of which, 73 preeclamptic pregnancies were reviewed from July 2009 to February 2010. All study related data collections were conducted in accordance with Ethical background for Investigations of the preeclampsia syndrome.
Results: A total 73 preeclamptic pregnancy (7.51%) syndrome was observed in between 18-22 (61.64%) years of age and in primigravida (n=43) and most of pregnant women found to be the middle class. The data of pathological report, month of pregnancy and neonatal outcomes differences was statistically significant. The preeclampsia surveillance mainly diagnosed at mild hypertension (n=64) 140/90 mmHg, severe hypertension (n=9), proteinuria found to be trace amount to ≥ 1+ dipstick and face, leg, and palm edema were observed. Also, HELLP syndrome was (8%), in which hemolysis7.40±0.54 gm%, low platelet count 1.06±0.20 lacks, elevated liver enzymes SGPT 80.17±14.96 IU/dl and SGOT 47.97±8.17 IU/dl was reported and eclampsia was (10%) observed at severe hypertension systolic BP 167.17±11.84 and diastolic BP 104.33±3.43. A maximum 48 incidence of caesarean mode of delivery was observed. Low birth weight was 1.7±0.18 kg, still birth 9 and IUD 1.
Conclusion: The study conclude that the preeclampsia syndrome still the cause of maternal morbidity and neonatal mortality and morbidity, there is a need of early diagnosis, role of patients which helps to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.
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Vitthal G. Kuchake*, Sunny G. Kolhe, Pitambar N. Dighore and S. D. Patil
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Shirpur, Dist: Dhule, Maharashtra, India
25 June, 2010
21 August, 2010
29 September, 2010
01 November, 2010