AbstractOral ulcers have been a source of diagnostic difficulty. This has been due to the overlap in their clinical appearances. The problem is complicated because a number of oral ulcers may be superimposed by infections due to their easy access to the oral cavity and the thin nature of the oral mucous membrane is an additional challenge to their diagnosis. While the diagnosis of some types of oral ulcers is done by their association with constitutional signs and symptoms or lesions on the skin and/or mucous membranes in other regions, ulcers that are localized only to the oral cavity may be more difficult to identify. Most oral ulcers are, biopsied because they are less readily recognizable on the basis of their clinical features. The similarity in histologic features due to contamination by the oral liquids and microflora also, on occasion, makes it difficult to distinguish by masking the basic pathology. Proper history taking, including the personal history and a thorough clinical examination, is a must to rule out malignancy. The diagnosis and treatment of oral lesions are often challenging due to the clinician’s limited exposure to the conditions that may cause the lesions and their similar appearances. This review aims at a systematic approach towards the diagnosis of oral ulcers based on their clinical and histopathological features while eliminating unrelated factors.
Article Information
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J. Manju *, Mutum Sangeeta Devi, Ravi Ranjan and S. Francyteena
Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital, Dr. M. G. R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
22 November 2020
18 May 2021
27 May 2021
01 December 2021