AbstractThe plant Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers is reported to have great medicinal value in Indian medicine. Sesbania grandiflora, commonly known as “sesbania” and “agathi,” is widely used in Indian traditional medicine for the treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases. Sesbania grandiflora is a fast-growing tree with a typical adult height of between 3 and 5 m. The leaves are regular and rounded and the flowers are white and large, very characteristic. The fruits look like flat, long and thin green beans, belongs to the family Fabaceae under the subfamily Faboideae. It is believed to have originated either in India or Southeast Asia and grows primarily in hot and humid tropical areas of the world. The chemical constituents found are galactomannans, linoleic acids, β- Sitosterol and carbohydrates. The microscopic examination of crude drug aims at determination of the chemical nature of the cell wall along with the determination of the form and chemical nature of the cell contents. Thus it determines the size, shape and relative structure of the different cells tissues in the plant drug. Before taking the TS (if samples are dried), it requires softening before preparation for microscopical studies. It may be done by exposing the samples in moist condition (for leaves and stem bark and flowers) or by boiling in water (for bark, root and wood). Sometimes water-soluble components can be removed by soaking in water e.g., heating with water gelatinizes starch grain. Physicochemical parameters such as ash values (total ash, acid insoluble ash, and water soluble ash), extractive values (alcohol and water soluble extractive values) and loss on drying were determined as per Indian Pharmacopoeia. The present study deals with the pharmacognostical investigation on bark of Sesbania grandiflora. Pharmacognostical evaluation such as macroscopical and microscopical characters, ash value, moisture content and extractive values were carried out.
Article Information
Vipin Kachroo*, Arun Kumar Gupta and Rajesh Gupta
Asst. Prof., Sri Sai College of Pharmacy, #Q.NO 399 Purkhoo Camp, Phase 3rd Dumana Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India
25 November, 2010
25 January, 2011
25 March, 2011
01 April, 2011