Sweta Thakur * and Kuljinder Kaur
Department of Biology, Teens Claz, 168/A Maria Arcade 3rd Floor, 1st Block Kormangala, Karnataka, India.
ABSTRACT: Respiratory system is one of the vital systems of the body which is affected negatively by air pollutants, viral and bacterial infections. These infections can lead to several chronic diseases. Modern medicines can help treat these diseases, but they have several side effects that can further lead to other health-related troubles. In India, many people still use herbal remedies to treat mild infections as first aid. Traditional healers or vaids still use these herbal medicines to treat severe respiratory problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc. This review aimed to gather information about medicinal plants used to treat various respiratory problems in different areas of India. Relevant data about various ethnobotanical studies conducted in various country states were extracted from published literature and analyzed. Two hundred thirty-nine plant species belonging to 193 genera and 80 families were. The maximum number of plant species belonged to the family Asteraceae. Solanum was the genus with the maximum number of species. All plant parts, including roots, stem, rhizome, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, whole plant, and aerial parts, were used in various herbal preparations. People are now well aware of the benefits of using herbal medicines. The present review will provide first-hand information to explore phytochemicals and pharmacological studies.
Keywords: Respiratory system, Traditional healers, Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical, Pharmacological
INTRODUCTION: Respiratory system in a human being consists of a pair of lungs and a tube system that connects the sites of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange with the external environment. The lungs are likely to be affected by a wide range of disorders or diseases that are caused by various harmful pollutants in the air. Thus, we can say that air quality directly affects the respiratory health of all living beings.
If a significant amount of harmful inhaled pollutants reaches the blood circulation through the lungs, then it can cause damage to various vital organs and systems 1. Hence, we can say that if respiratory problems are not treated well in time, it may lead to serious chronic diseases. The most common respiratory system problems are asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), common cold, cough, occupational lung diseases, pulmonary hypertension, tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc. 2, 3. The occurrence and severity of various respiratory diseases remain high in developed and developing nations.
It is one of the four major contributors to mortality and morbidity in developed nations that results in high cost of health and loss in productivity 4. There are several different causes of respiratory diseases. They may be caused by pathogenic viruses reported in different seasons among the different countries of the world 5. Moreover, respiratory tract infections which are caused by bacteria, remain a major cause of chronic diseases and death in both developed and developing nations 6. In 2000, pneumonia and influenza were reported as the cause of 120 deaths per million men and 76 deaths per million women worldwide for the 15 to 59 age group 7. The easy availability of different antibiotics, preferably recommended by physicians, wrong assumptions by them, the demand of the public for fast relief from diseases, and certain other human behaviours, including patient satisfaction, directly related to the overuse of antibiotics that may even cause some negative impacts on the body directly or indirectly 8.
Excess antibiotic use has resulted in increased resistance among the pathogens to common antibiotics 9. Traditional medicine, especially obtained from the processing of medicinal herbs, has a long history of serving people worldwide. In many countries, direct or indirect use of medicinal plants for the treatment of various illnesses and disorders is still followed by traditional or local healers 10.
However, knowledge of medicinal plants is rapidly vanishing under the influence of Western lifestyles. The fewer traditional healers and lack of interest of the younger generations to carry on this valuable information is also impacting this 11. In India, there is good knowledge of traditional medicinal plants among the local healers and vaids residing in remote villages. In this review, the plant species of ethnomedicinal importance used by the local healers or indigenous people in different regions to treat various respiratory problems were reviewed and analyzed.
METHODS: For the present review, various published articles reporting ethnomedicinal or ethnobotanical utilization of plant species in different states or regions of India were considered. For data collection, different online platforms such as Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed, Research Gate, and Academia were searched. Rather than concentrating on published matters on respiratory diseases, data was collected from ethnomedicinal folklore studies in different states or regions of India to treat various human ailments. This paper provides information not only on the botanical name of the plants from the research articles but their names were updated using “The plant list” database. The table also listed different local or vernacular names of plants in different regions of the country. In addition, the table also depicts their family, part used for herbal preparation, method of use, and source. A literature search was performed using the following key terms: India/ Indian medicinal plants/ ethnobotanical/ ethnomedicinal/ ethnopharmaceutical study for medicinal plants, Traditional medicinal herbs/ plants, Indigenous plants, Plants/ Herbal/ Medicine/ Remedies, Folk Medicine/Folk remedies, names of states of India. Data from review articles, historical documents, experimental studies, or non-open access articles were excluded.
RESULT: In India, many plants are used in traditional remedies to cure respiratory problems, especially in common ailments such as cold, cough, asthma, etc. In this article, the data on medicinal plants used to treat respiratory diseases were collected and analyzed. The present review indicated that various communities around the country are utilizing a variety of medicinal plants to treat respiratory diseases.
S. no. | Botanical name of plants | Local name | Family | Part used | Method of use | Reference |
1. | Abrus precatorius L. | Gurivinda; Gulaganji | Fabaceae | Leaf | Fresh leaves are taken twice a day to cure bronchitis and cough | [22] |
2. | Abutilon indicum G. Don. | Thuthi | Malvaceae | Flower | Flower paste is given to treat asthma. | [23] |
3. | Acacia caesia (L) Willd. | Indu | Fabaceae | Whole plant | Juice of whole plant is given in cough and cold | [23] |
4. | Acacia leucophloea Willd. | Reunja | Fabaceae | Flower, Root | Flower and root are used in asthma | [24] |
5. | Acalypha indica L. | Kuppintaku; Kuppigida | Euphorbiaceae | Whole plant; Leaf | 15 to 20 ml of whole plant extract is used in one week to cure asthma. 10 ml of the leaf juice is taken twice a day for 5 days against bronchitis | [22]; [25] |
6. | Achillea millefolium L. | Bhutkesi; Fye; Chabu; Shugumentog | Asteraceae | Whole part; Leaf; | Juice of whole plant is used to treat respiratory infection. Paste made from leaves used for treating cold, cough. | [26]; [27]; [28] |
7. | Achyranthes aspera L. | Uttereni; Uttarani; Andhi jhara; Latjeera; Putkanda, Uwang | Amaranthaceae | Whole plant; Root; Leaf | One week, 1.5 g of whole dry ash powder with honey is given to cure cold and cough. The powder of root and black pepper should be taken with water to cure the asthma. Leaf extract is taken for treat cough. Plant used in herbal bath for children suffering from cold. Root juice is given in asthma | [22]; [29]; [30]; [31] |
8. | Achyranthes bidentata Bl. | Putkanda | Amaranthaceae | Whole plant | Decoction is given in whooping cough | [27] |
9. | Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle | Bonga, Atees, Boa | Ranunculaceae | Root | Root is used to treat cold and cough | [28] |
10. | Aconitum violaceum Jacq. ex Stapf | Dudatees, Jhimba | Ranunculaceae | Root | Root is used for the treatment of cough | [28] |
11. | Acorus calamus L. | Bach; Barin; Nag Russ | Araceae | Rhizome | Fresh rhizome is inhaled in common cold as anti-allergic and small pieces if chewed on an empty stomach helps in curing asthma. Decoction made to cure cold and cough. Rhizome is useful in bronchitis | [33]; [27]; [33]; [34] |
12. | Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa | Bael | Rutaceae | Fruit | Fruits are burnt and inhaled to treat asthma | [35] |
13. | Aerva lanata Juss. ex Schult. | Dayalu; Kannu peelai | Amaranthaceae | Flower; Leaf; Root | 5 ml juice of flowers with leaves is taken for one month to treat asthma. Leaves paste is given in asthma. Root decoction is given in cold. | [36]; [23] |
14. | Aeschynomene aspera L. | Solo | Fabaceae | Aerial part | Aerial part juice is given to cure cough and cold | [37] |
15. | Aesculus indica (Wall ex Camb.) Hook.f. | Ban Khor, Khori | Sapindaceae | Leaf | Extract of the leaves is used against whooping cough | [33] |
16. | Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. | Kanaula | Rosaceae | Root | Root used in the treatment of cough, cold | [27] |
17. | Ainsliuea lutifolia (D. Don) Schulz-Bip. | Karhu | Asteraceae | Root | Root juice administered in pneumonia. | [31] |
18. | Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. | Sirisa | Fabaceae | Stem bark | The decoction of stem bark is used to relief from asthma. The decoction is used in a dose of 50ml thrice a day for 6 week before food. | [38] |
19. | Allium cepa L. | Ulligadda; Piaj | Amaryllidaceae | Bulb | 10-15 ml of bulb extract with honey is given in the morning for 21 days to cure asthma. Juice prepared from bulb is taken to treat cough and asthma. Burned onion and ginger is taken along with flower of Plumeria rubra to cure cough and cold. | [22]; [30]; [39] |
20. | Allium sativum L. | Vellulli; Lahsun | Amaryllidaceae | Bulb; Leaf | 2 to 3 garlic cloves with salt given at night for 3 days to cure cough. Juice mixed with honey taken orally cures coughs, asthma, and abdominal pain. Extract of bulb mixed with mustard oil is applied to chest, throat in case of cough and other chest complaints. | [22]; [32]; [40] |
21. | Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd | Sugandhamula | Zingiberaceae | Rhizome | The dried rhizome powder is taken with warm water twice or thrice a day for two week after meal to cure asthma. | [38] |
22. | Alstonia scholaris L. | Satpara | Apocynaceae | Bark | Bark is used to treat asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. | [41] |
23. | Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Grises | Ghoda madaranga | Amaranthaceae | Stem | Young shoot paste with black pepper is prescribed to cure acute cough | [37] |
24. | Alysicarpus vaginalis DC. | Chevra | Fabaceae | Root | Decoction of root is taken early in the morning for curing cough. | [33] |
25. | Anaphalis contorta (D. Don) Hk. | Telgang | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Whole plant is used in cold and cough. | [28] |
26. | Andrograhis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees | Kal-megh | Acanthaceae | Whole plant | Decoction is given in cough and common cold. | [27] |
27. | Angelica glauca Edgew. | Chora | Apiaceae | Root | Roots are powdered and taken orally with water twice a day in bronchitis. | [32] |
28. | Annona squamosa L.
Fruit | Fruit is edible and is effective in the treatment of tuberculosis. | [42] |
29. | Areca catechu L. | Supari | Arecaceae | Fruit | Fruit is directly taken to treat cough. | [30] |
30. | Argemone mexicana L. | Papaveraceae | Seed | Seed oil is beneficial in asthma. | [43] | |
31. | Aristolochia indica L. | Aristolochiaceae | Leaf | The leaf juice (10 ml) is given twice a day for 5 days against bronchitis. | [25] | |
32. | Arnebia benthami (Wall. Ex. G. Don) Johnston. | Kazuban | Boraginaceae | Root | Root powder is given in fever, cough and cold along with honey. The roots are added to tea and that tea is given to persons having pneumonia. | [34] |
33. | Artemisia flaccidus Bunge | Lugmig Chunwa | Asteraceae | Flower; Leaf | Plant parts are used in pulmonary infections. | [28] |
34. | Artemisia indamellus Grierson | Asteraceae | Root | Roots are used to treat cough. | [28] | |
35. | Artemisia nilagirica (C. Clarke) Pamp.
Leaf, Flower | Inhalation of smoke from leaves and flowering twigs is effective in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. | [42] |
36. | Asparagus racemosus L. | Satabari | Asparagaceae | Root | Roots are used in throat infections, tuberculosis and cough. | [44] |
37. | Asteracantha longifolia (L.) Nees. | Neer mulli | Acanthaceae | Root | Root decoction is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
38. | Azadirachta indica A. Juss. | Neem | Meliaceae | Leaf | Fresh leaves are consumed during cough and cold. | [45] |
39. | Azima tetracantha Lamk. | Sangilai | Salvadoraceae | Leaf | Leaf paste is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
40. | Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell
Bramhi | Scrophulariaceae | Leaf | Leaf decoction is administered to the babies suffering from asthma. Leaves kept on a cotton cloth are warmed gently on the flame and applied on the chest of patient suffering from cough, cold and different types of nasal congestion. The dried plant powder is given internally in the treatment of asthma. | [37]; [42] |
41. | Barleria cristata L. | Jhinti, Bajardanti | Acanthaceae | Root, Leaf | Leaves and roots infusion is used in cough. | [33] |
42. | Barleria prionitis L. | Katsarria | Acanthaceae | Leaf | Decoction of its leaf and use it with pure honey take 2-3 times daily to treat whooping cough. | [29] |
43. | Bauhinia acuminata L. | Chingthrao angouba | Fabaceae | Bark, Leaves | Decoction of bark or leaves is useful in asthma. | [40] |
44. | Begonia roxburghii A. DC. | Payan | Begoniaceae | Leaf | Decoction of leaves is taken in cough. | [35] |
45. | Berberis lycium Royle | Kshambal | Berberidaceae | Root | Roots are boiled in water and this decoction mixed with honey is taken orally in cough and cold. | [32]; [26] |
46. | Bergenia ciliata Stein. | Zakhm e hayat | Saxifragaceae | Root | Root is used against pulmonary infections. | [33] |
47. | Betula utilis D. Don. | Bhuz | Betulaceae | Bark | The decoction of the bark is given in cough. | [34] |
48. | Bidens biternata (Lonr.) Merr. | Sainguna | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Decoction of the whole plant is used in cold. | [31] |
49. | Bidens pilosa L. | Kumber | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Infusion of whole plant is taken for cough relive. | [33] |
50. | Boerhavia diffusa L. | Punarnava, Lal dodal | Nyctaginaceae | Root | Root is used to cure asthma. | [33] |
51. | Bombax ceiba L. | Semal | Malvaceae | Root | Ashes of root is mixed with water and taken in cough. | [27] |
52. | Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. | Fabaceae | Root bark | The root bark has been used for relieving cough | [27] | |
53. | Caesulia axillaris Roxb. | Jamjuria | Asteraceae
Whole plant | Whole plant paste with camphor and mustard oil is applied on chest and throat to cure cold, cough and nasal congestion. | [37] |
54. | Cajanus cajan (L.) | Arhar | Fabaceae | Leaf | Paste prepared from leaf is taken in cough. | [30] |
55. | Calotropis procera L. | Jelledu; Akk | Apocynaceae | Bark; Flower | 4 g root bark powder with honey is taken twice a day for 2 to 3 days for all types of cough. Powdered flowers along with honey are given in cough and asthmatic problems. | [22]; [33] |
56. | Caltha palustris L. | Tatnu | Ranunculaceae | Root; Stem | Aqueous extract of root and shoot is used in cough. | [34] |
57. | Cannabis sativa L. | Bhang; Bang | Cannabaceae | Seed; Bark; Stem | Plant is used to treat bronchitis, cough and cold. | [28] |
58. | Capparis spinosa L. | Baferu | Capparaceae | Root | Root extract administered thrice a day in asthma. | [31] |
59. | Carum carvi L. | Gonyorog, Gonyod, Shingu Jeera, Gsyon | Apiaceae | Whole plant; Seed | Plant parts are used in cold, cough. | [28] |
60. | Carum roxburghianum Benth. | Omam | Apiaceae | Leaf | Leaf powder is given in cold. | [23] |
61. | Cassia javanica L. | Kondrai | Fabaceae | Root | Root decoction is given in asthma. | [23] |
62. | Centella asiatica L. | Brahmi; Thalkudi | Plantaginaceae | Stem; Leaf | Stem powder is used to treat asthma and bronchitis. Plant decoction mixed with cow milk in 1:5 ratio is taken for 15 days against asthma. Leaf juice with cow milk is taken empty stomach for treating cough and cold. | [41]; [25]; [37]; [44] |
63. | Centipeda minima (L.) A. Br. & Asch.
Asteraceae | Leaf | Dried leaf powder with mustard oil is inhaled to remove nasal congestion. | [37] |
64. | Cerastium cerastoides (L.) Britton Mem | Caryophyllaceae | Whole plant | Whole plant is used for the treatment of cough. | [28] | |
65. | Cinnamomum verum J. Presl | Dalchini; Edanal karappa
Lauraceae | Bark; Leaf | Decoction of bark is taken to treat asthma. Boiled leaf extract is given in cough, bark given in cold. Root bark is given in powder form with milk or sugar for cough. | [35]; [40]; [42] |
66. | Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta (Burch.- Ham.ex DC.) Forman | Menispermaceae | Root; Leaf | Powdered root and leaves mixed with Zingiber officinale juice and honey (each 5 ml) is administered twice daily for 5 days against dry cough. | [25] | |
67. | Citrullus colocynthis Schrader. | Varithum matti | Cucurbitaceae | Fruit | Fruit juice is given in cold. | [23] |
68. | Clematis gouriana Roxb. | Eruvalli
Ranunculaceae | Root | Smoke obtained by burning the root is inhaled against cough. | [42] |
69. | Clerodendron phlomoidis L. | Thazhut haalai | Verbenaceae | Leaf | Leaf juice is given in cold. | [23] |
70. | Coccinia indica (L.) Voigt. | Kovai | Cucurbitaceae | Rhizome | Rhizome juice is given in asthma. | [23] |
71. | Colebrookea oppositifolia Smith | Kala bansa | Lamiaceae | Leaf | Leaf ash with honey in asthma. | [31] |
72. | Coriandrum sativum L. | Kothimeera | Apiaceae | Aerial parts | 50 ml of plant extract is taken twice a week for 3 weeks to cure asthma. | [22] |
73. | Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm | Keo | Zingiberaceae | Rhizome | Rhizome juice is used for cold, cough and asthma. | [45]; [30] |
74. | Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlach. | Orchidaceae | Leaf | Leaf juice mixed with honey given to cure bronchitis. | [27] | |
75. | Curcuma longa L. | Haladi; Halud | Zingiberaceae | Rhizome | Licking one teaspoon of turmeric alongwith ½ tsp of honey gives comfort from congestion of bronchi. Blend turmeric powder, banana ash and barley powder in same proportions with honey and this paste is given 4-5 times in a day to treat phlegm. Turmeric powder, ghee and black pepper powder is mixed and paste is rubbed on chest and throat to reduce inflammation of the bronchioles. Turmeric is burnt until purple hot and smoke is inhaled. The smoke serves as a robust expectorant. A small piece of turmeric is boiled in milk and old jaggery is added for the treatment of allergies. Paste of rhizome is taken in cough. | [38]; [22]; [30] |
76. | Cynodon dactylon L. | Garike Hullu; Arugan | Poaceae | Leaf | 50 to 100 ml of leaf juice is taken twice a day for 5 days to cure asthma. | [22]; [23] |
77. | Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk. | Boraginaceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treat cold, cough. | [28] | |
78. | Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl) Brand | Boraginaceae | Leaf; Root | Infusion taken in asthma, cough | [27] | |
79. | Dactylorhiza hatagirea D. Don | Hath panja; Salampanja | Orchidaceae | Tuber | The powder is taken orally with lukewarm water twice a day for chronic cold, cough. | [32]; [28] |
80. | Datura innoxia Mill. | Solanaceae | Leaf, Seed, Fruit | The plant is used internally in the treatment of asthma. | [27] | |
81. | Datura stramonium L. | Datura | Solanaceae | Seed, Leaf | Seeds and leaves are used as anti asthamatic | [41]
82. | Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ettingsh. | Gaschotta; Amburus | Loranthaceae | Root; Leaf | Decoction of leaf and root is taken in cough. | [35] |
83. | Desmodium triflorum (L.) Dc. | Kudaliya | Fabaceae | Whole plant | The fresh juice of the plant is given to children for cough. It also used in cough, bronchitis. | [43] |
84. | Dicliptera roxburghiana Nees | Sonde, Jonk-jarhi | Acanthaceae | Root | A pinch of ash obtained by burning the roots of this plant with the twigs of Barleria cristata L. and Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl applied on tonsils in whooping cough. | [31] |
85. | Drymaria cordata Edgew. & Hk. | Caryophyllaceae | Whole plant | Decoction of whole plant is used in asthma, cold. | [27] | |
86. | Echinops echinatus Roxb. | Utakanta | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Plant is used in cough. | [43] |
87. | Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. | Potralai | Asteraceae | Whole plant; Leaf | The extract of the whole plant is mixed with honey and taken orally to treat cough. Leaf juice is given in asthma and cold. | [46]; [23] |
88. | Elaeagnus parvifolia Wall. ex Royle | Elaeagnaceae | Fruit; Aerial part; Leaf; Seed | Plant is used to treat cough, bronchitis. | [28] | |
89. | Enydra fluctuans Lour.
Leaf | Paste of leaves coated with warm mustard oil is applied on chest to cure bronchitis. | [37] |
90. | Erigeron alpinus L. | Bashakar | Asteraceae | Aerial parts | Aerial parts are given in cough and cold. | [28] |
91. | Eryngium foetidum L. | Neilei, Makikom, Bangmaroi | Apiaceae | Root | Decoction of root is given in cough. | [47] |
92. | Erythrina indica (Lam). | Kalyana Murungai | Fabaceae | Leaf | Leaf decoction is given in cold and asthma. | [23] |
93. | Eucalyptus tereticornis (Smith). | Thylamaram | Myrtaceae | Leaf | Steam of leaves is inhaled in cough, cold and dry cough. | [23] |
94. | Euphorbia hirta L. | Halina gada; Dudhali; Jatli dodal; Chithra paalaadai | Euphorbiaceae | Whole plant; Leaf | 20 ml of whole plant extract with a little salt is given twice a day for one week to treat asthma. The juice is applied in asthma problem. Juice/latex of the plant is given in cough (in small quantity); decoction of the plant is given in bronchial infections and asthma.
Leaf paste is given in asthma. |
[22]; [32]; [33]; [23] |
95. | Euphorbia neriifolia L. | Shairapul, Shibgach | Euphorbiaceae | Whole plant | Decoction of whole plant is taken in pneumonia. | [35] |
96. | Euphorbia pilosa L. | Euphorbiaceae | Whole plant | Whole plant is used for breathing disorders including asthma, bronchitis and chest congestion | [27] | |
97. | Euphorbia stracheyi Boiss. | Euphorbiaceae | Whole plant | Powder plant given in the treatment of cold, cough. | [27] | |
98. | Euphorbia thymifolia L. | Dudhi | Euphorbiaceae | Stem | Warm the stem and take the juice to treat asthma. | [29] |
99. | Evolvulus alsinoides
Linn. |
Phooli | Convolvulaceae | Leaf | Leaves are smoked in chronic bronchitis and asthma. | [48] |
100. | Feronia elephantum Corr. | Vilaa | Rutaceae | Leaf | Leaves paste is given in cold and juice is given in cough. | [23] |
101. | Ficus palmata Forssk. | Kamri | Moraceae | Fruit | Fruit is considered useful in the diseases of lungs. | [33] |
102. | Ficus racemosa L. | Attimara | Moraceae | Fruits | 2-3 fresh fruits are eaten with honey twice a day for one week to cure asthma | [22] |
103. | Ficus religiosa L. | Peepal; Aswatha; Arasu | Moraceae | Bark; Fruit | The bark is powdered and taken with water for curing asthma. Dried fruits pulverized and taken with water to cures asthma. | [32]; [44]; [23] |
104. | Flemingia semialata Roxb. | Fabaceae | Leaf | Leaf decoction given in the treatment of tuberculosis. | [27] | |
105. | Garuga pinnata Roxb. | Burseraceae | Leaf | Leaf juice mixed with 2-3 ml leaf juice of Justicia adhatoda and honey (2 ml) is given twice a day for 2 weeks to treat asthma. | [25] | |
106. | Gaultheria trichophylla Royle | Ericaceae | Leaf | Infusion of leaves is taken in cough and cold. | [27] | |
107. | Gentiana carinata Griseb. | Gentianaceae | Whole plant | Powdered plant is given in the treatment of cold, cough. | [27] | |
108. | Gentiana kurroo Royle | Gentianaceae | Root | Roots are used to treat cough. | [28] | |
109. | Gentianella moorcroftiana (Wall.ex G.Don) Airy Shaw | Ticta | Gentianaceae | Aerial part | Aerial parts are used to treat cough. | [28] |
110. | Geranium pratense L. | Porlo | Geraniaceae | Aerial part | Aerial parts are used to treat cough. | [28] |
111. | Glycyrrhiza glabra L. | Sirisha | Fabaceae | Root | Regular intake of liquorice root tea combined with ginger is treasured in bronchial asthma, bronchial and irritation (not more than 2-3 cups per day). | [38] |
112. | Gossypium hirsutum L. | Balukanda | Malvaceae | Root, Fruit | Root and fruit is crushed together and taken to treat cough. | [39] |
113. | Grewia tenax (Forsk.) Fiori. | Gangren | Tiliaceae | Fruit | Decoction of the fruit is used to cure asthma, cough. | [48] |
114. | Cleome gynandra L.
(Synonym Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC.) |
Nalla velai | Cleomaceae | Flower | Flower juice is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
115. | Hedychium spicatum Buch-Ham ex Sm | Gandhasunthi; Kapurkachri | Zingiberaceae | Rhizome | 10 g of powdered rhizome is used in bronchial asthma. The powder of rhizomes is mixed with hot water and used to treat cough, asthma. | [38]; [26] |
116. | Helicteris isora L.
Edampiri valampiri
Fruit | Dried fruit powder with fruit powder of Phyllanthes emblica is used internally in the treatment of cough. | [42] |
117. | Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. ex Schult. | Apocynaceae | Root | The root-bark hot infusion with milk and sugar is a good alternative tonic especially for children in cases of chronic cough. | [43] | |
118. | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. | Malvaceae | Root | Root extract used to treat cough and fever. | [49] | |
119. | Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A.Nelson
(Synonym Hippophae rhamnoides L.) |
Gartsak; Tirkug; Chharma; Sarla | Elaeagnaceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treat cough and lung disease. | [28] |
120. | Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz. | Malpighiaceae | Flower, Bark | Dried flowers (50 gm) and dried bark (50 gm) are made in to a fine powder. The 5-6 gm powder is given twice daily along with a glass of cow milk on empty stomach to treat tuberculosis for 40 days. | [50] | |
121. | Homalonema aromatica (Spreng.) Schott | Araceae | Stem | Stem cooked and consumed as vegetable for cough. | [45] | |
122. | Hygrophila auriculata Heine. | Neermulli chedi; Vayal chulli
Acanthaceae | Root, Leaf | Root decoction is given in cough, cold and asthma. Root or leaf decoction is used to treat cough. | [23]; [42] |
123. | Hyoscyamus niger L. | Bazerbangh | Solanaceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treat asthma and whooping cough. | [28] |
124. | Iberis amara L. | Brassicaceae | Seed | Seeds are used in asthma and bronchitis. | [43] | |
125. | Indigofera tinctoria L. | Neel | Fabaceae | Whole plant | Extract of the plant is given in bronchitis. | [33] |
126. | Inula racemosa Hk. | Mano, Kuth Manurucha | Asteraceae | Root | Roots are used to treat asthma. | [28] |
127. | Justicia adhatoda L.
(Synonym Adhatoda zeylanica L.) |
Vasanga; Arusa, Vasaka, Adusage | Acanthaceae | Leaf | Decoction of leaf of Justicia adhatoda works as a bronchodilator, appearing as a respiration stimulant to help respiration issues. The leaves are ground with the flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and taken orally to treat asthma. Juice of leaves is mixed with hot water and used to treat cough, asthma and cold. 10 ml of leaf extract with jaggery is given twice a day for 15 days to cure asthma | [38]; [24]; [32]; [26], [22] |
128. | Lagotis kunawurensis (Royle ex Benth.) Rupr. | Selaginaceae | Leaf | Leaf is used to treat cough and cold. | [28] | |
129. | Lawsonia inermis L. | Mylanchi
Lythraceae | Leaf | Leaf extract is used for the treatment of bronchitis. | [42] |
130. | Leucas aspera (Willd.) Spreng. | Thumba | Lamiaceae | Root; Flower | Root decoction is used in bronchial diseases. Mixed with honey, flowers are used for cough and cold. | [42]; [43] |
131. | Leucas cephalotes (Roxb.) Spreng | Lamiaceae | Flower | Syrup from flowers used for cough and cold. | [43] | |
132. | Lippia nodiflora Mich. | Poduthalai | Verbenaceae | Leaf | Leaves paste is given in asthma. | [23] |
133. | Lonicera spinosa (Jacq. ex Decne) Walp. | Bhakhru | Caprifoliaceae | Aerial Parts; Stem | Plant is used to treat asthma. | [28] |
134. | Madhuca indica J. Gmelin. | Mahula | Sapotaceae | Flower | Flower decoction (20 ml.) is taken twice daily for about 2 weeks for treatment of asthma. | [51] |
135. | Malva sylvestris L. | Malvaceae | Flowers and immature fruits are used for whooping cough. | [43] | ||
136. | Malva verticillata L. | Malvaceae | Root | Root is used for whooping cough. | [43] | |
137. | Maranta arundinacea L. | Koova
Rhizome | Rhizome powder along with milk is used in the treatment of urinary complaints and asthma. | [42] |
138. | Marsdenia roylei Wt. | Apocynaceae | Whole plant | Decoction of whole plant is given in cold | [27] | |
139. | Medicago lupulina L. | Gunyok | Fabaceae | Aerial part | Aerial part are used to treat pneumonia | [28] |
140. | Melastoma malabathricum L. | Lutki | Melastomataceae | Leaf | Leaves are crushed, made into pallets and taken in asthma. | [35] |
141. | Meriandra dianthera (Roth ex Roem. & Schult.) Briq | Heluk, Aluk Buan, Tamik | Lamiaceae | Leaf | Decoction of leaf is given in cough. | [47] |
142. | Mimosa pudica L. | Lajjaboti; Thotta sinungi; Thottavadi
Fabaceae | Leaf | Leaves are crushed and paste is rubbed to treat asthma. Plant juice mixed with coconut milk is used internally for asthma. | [35]; [23]; [42] |
143. | Mimusops elengi L. | Sapota | Sapotaceae | Seed | Seeds powder is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
144. | Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. | Mirmira
Leaf | Leaves with ginger juice and honey are taken to cure cough and cold. | [37] |
145. | Moringa oleifera Lam. | Mungna | Moringaceae | Leaf | The leaf juice is taken to cure cold. | [39] |
146. | Mukia maderaspatana L. Roenar | Musum usukkai | Cucurbitaceae | Root | Root powder is given in cough. | [23] |
147. | Murdannia nudiflora Gaertn.
Commelinaceae | Root | Root paste with goat milk is prescribed orally to cure asthma. | [37] | |
148. | Murraya koenigii L. | Karibevu; Karuvae ppillai | Rutaceae | Leaf | 100 ml of boiled leaves with jaggery, ginger is taken twice a day for 3 days to cure cough and cold. | [22]; [23] |
149. | Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don | Kaphal | Myricaceae | Bark | Bark is useful for cough, asthma, sinusitis and chronic bronchitis. | [32] |
150. | Nasturtium officinale R. Br. | Choo | Brassicaceae | Whole plant, Leaf | Plant extract is helpful in dry throat and asthma. Boiled leaves are given to cure old cough. | [33] |
151. | Nepeta discolor Royle ex Benth. | Lamiaceae | Whole plant | Whole plant is used to treat cold, cough. | [28] | |
152. | Nepeta glutinosa Benth. | Lamiaceae | Whole plant | Whole plant is used to treat pneumonia. | [28] | |
153. | Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. | Oleaceae | Leaf | Juice of young leaves is mixed with honey and hot cow milk and given to children twice daily for 2 weeks in case of bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough. | [45] | |
154. | Ocimum americanum L. | Nayithulasi | Lamiaceae | Leaf | 50 ml leaf decoction is given twice a day to cure cough. | [22]; [43] |
155. | Ocimum basilicum L. | Kamakasturi; M’pheu, Mayangton; Urithira sadai | Lamiaceae | Leaf | 10-15 ml of leaf extract is given to cure whooping cough.
Leaf juice is given in cough. |
[22]; [47]; [23] |
156. | Ocimum canum Sims. | Kanchankorai | Lamiaceae | Leaf | Leaves juice is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
157. | Ocimum sanctum L. | Tulsi | Lamiaceae | Leaf | Decoction made up of Trchyspermum spp. (ajwain), Ocimum sanctum (tulsi), Piper longum (pepper), and Zingiber officinale (ginger) is beneficial natural expectorant. Tulsi is beneficial inside the remedy of respiration device disorders. A decoction of the leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, allergies, influenza, cough and cold. A decoction of the leaves, cloves and common salt also offers instant comfort in case of influenza. They should be boiled in 1/2 a litre of water until most effective half the water is left and upload then taken. It facilitates to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Fresh leaves of tulsi, momordica, acalypha are crushed and prepared pills, daily 2 pills are given for one week to cure asthma. | [38]; [22]; [30] |
158. | Ocimum tenuiflorum L. | Tulsi | Lamiaceae | Leaf; Whole plant | Decoction of whole plant is used to treat cough and pneumonia. | [35] |
159. | Oldenlandia umbellata L. | Inbura | Rubiaceae | Root | Root decoction is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
160. | Olea ferruginea Royle. | Kaow | Oleaceae | Leaf | Leaves are considered useful in whooping cough. | [33] |
161. | Opuntia elatior Mill. | Cactaceae | Fruit | The baked fruit is given in whooping cough. | [43] | |
162. | Origanum vulgare L. | Ban Tulsi; Lamay masha, Massow | Lamiaceae | Root, Oil; Leaf, Flowering stem; Aerial parts | The root is powdered and taken to cure tuberculosis. Its oil is given in cough and bronchitis. Infusion of leaves and flowering stem taken internally to treat cold. | [32]; [27]; [28] |
163. | Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. | Bignoniaceae | Bark | Stem bark paste is taken orally for tuberculosis. | [52] | |
164. | Oxalis corniculata L. | Umjarhi holmuli | Oxalidaceae | Leaf | Leaf is given with honey in cough. | [31] |
165. | Pedicularis pectinata Wall.ex Benth. | Scrophulariaceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treat cold and cough. | [28] | |
166. | Peganum harmala Linn. | Harmal, Gandhiyo | Zygophyllaceae | Whole plant | The inhalation of the smoke of the plant is useful in asthma. | [48] |
167. | Pergularia daemia L. | Kuratiga | Apocynaceae | Leaf | Fresh leaves, garlic cloves, Euphorbia tirucalli young buds are crushed and prepared daily, one pill for one week to cure bronchitis. | [22] |
168. | Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Nees | Nongmengkha, Khimpui, Rakhu | Acanthaceae | Leaves | The leaf juice is taken as syrup for cough, cold and bronchial asthma. Decoction of leaves is taken in cold. | [45]; [47] |
169. | Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth. | Neel Trath | Lamiaceae | Leaf | Powdered leaves are mixed in tea and used against cough and cold. | [34] |
170. | Phyllanthus emblica L.
(Synonym Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) |
Rampholochi, Mantalousi, Talouthai, Amla | Phyllanthaceae | Fruit, Seed | Crush some amount of fruits and mix with little honey and given before and after food for the treatment of dry cough and asthma. Powdered seed are given to asthmatic and bronchitis patients. Fruit roasted in wood fire or hot ash eaten for cough cure. Dried fruits with honey taken in cold and cough.
[53]; [47], [33] |
171. | Picrorhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth. | Karru | Scrophulariaceae | Leaf | Decoction of dry leaves is taken orally once a day for cold and cough. | [32] |
172. | Pimpinella diversifolia DC. | Apiaceae | Whole plant; Root | Powdered roots cure cold and cough. | [27]; [28] | |
173. | Piper longum L. | Pippali | Piperaceae | Fruit | Half or one gram of its dried powder of seed ought to be taken two times a day with Jaggery after food. It helps in relief of asthma. | [38] |
174. | Piper nigrum L.
Seed, Leaf | Seeds and leaves are used as decoction in the treatment of cough and cold. | [42] |
175. | Pistacia integerrima L. | Kakrasingi, Kakare, Kangar; Kakra | Anacardiaceae | Gall | Galls are used in asthma, cough, phthisis, and other diseases of the respiratory tract. Decoction is used as to cure asthma, chronic pulmonary affection. The powder of gall is administered in asthma. | [32]; [27]; [33]; [31] |
176. | Plumeria rubra L. | Nisanphula | Apocynaceae | Bark, Flower | The decoction of bark is taken against cold and cough. For cough twenty one flowers are grounded with burnt ginger, garlic and onion and taken orally. | [39] |
177. | Polygonum persicaria L. | Maslooni | Polygonaceae | Whole plant | Boiled herb drink with milk is taken in cold and cough conditions. | [33] |
178. | Polygonum vaccinifolium Wall. ex Meissn | Polygonaceae | Root, Leaf | Root and leaves are used to treat tuberculosis. | [28] | |
179. | Pongamia pinnata L. | Batti | Fabaceae | Leaf | 10 ml of fresh leaf juice with block pepper is given twice a day for 3 days to cure cough. | [22] |
180. | Punica granatum | Dalimb | Punicaceae | Leaf | 5g of dry leaf powder twice a day for 3 days to cure dry cough | [22] |
181. | Ranunculus arvensis L. | Khatholi | Ranunculaceae | Whole plant | Herb is used in asthma. Especially boiled herb is taken with fresh butter. | [33] |
182. | Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. | Apocynaceae | Bark | Decoction of stembark with black Piper nigrum is given twice a day for 7 days against pneumonia. | [25] | |
183. | Rhodiola heterodonta (Hk. & Th.) A. Boriss. | Churupa | Crassulaceae | Aerial part | It is used to treat cough and lung infection. | [28] |
184. | Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don | Balu; Shutenger | Ericaceae | Leaf | Leaves are used to treat bronchitis, cold, cough. | [28]; [34] |
185. | Rhododendron arboreum Sm. | Burans | Ericaceae | Flower | Juice of dried flowers is used to treat cough, cold. | [26] |
186. | Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don | Nichni, Shutengar | Ericaceae | Leaf | Leaves are mixed with tobacco and used as snuff to cure cold. | [34] |
187. | Rotala rotundifolia (Roxb.) Koehne | Panilatkan
Aerial part | Juice of aerial part of the plant is given to cure cough and cold. | [37] |
188. | Rubus ellipticus Sm. | Anehhu, Hinsalu, Aakhe | Rosaceae | Fruit | Fresh juice of fruits is used to treat fever and cough. | [26] |
189. | Salvia moorcroftiana Wallich Ex. Benth. | Gaddo | Lamiaceae | Root | Roots are used in cold and cough. | [34] |
190. | Salvia nubicola Wall. | Lamiaceae | Leaf, Root | Decoction given in the treatment of cold and cough. | [27] | |
191. | Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. | Marul | Asparagaceae | Leaf | Leaves decoction is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
192. | Saussurea albescens Hook. f & Thomson | Bacha-Shang, Drapada, Prabachi | Asteraceae | Leaf | Leaves are used to treat bronchitis. | [28] |
193. | Saussurea costus (Decne.) Sch.- Bip. | Kuth | Asteraceae | Root | Roots are given in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis. | [28] |
194. | Saussurea gnaphalodes (Royle) Sch.- Bip | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treating cough and cold. | [28] | |
195. | Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb.
(Synonym Cassia auriculata L.) |
Tarawa | Fabaceae | Root | Root paste is used in asthma. | [24] |
196. | Senna occidentalis (L.) Link
(Synonym Cassia occidentalis L.) |
Fabaceae | Root, Leaf | A decoction made from roots and leaves is used to treat asthma and cough. | [42] |
197. | Senna tora (L.) Roxb.
(Synonym Cassia tora L.) |
Pawand | Fabaceae | Seed | The powder of its seeds with hot water takes to relief for cough. | [29] |
198. | Sida acuta Burm. f.
Root | Root decoction is used for breathing problems and cough. | [42] |
199. | Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke | Gandoli | Caryophyllaceae | Inflorescence | It is used to treat bronchitis, asthma. | [28] |
200. | Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) T.S.Ying | Ban Kakri; Omoshey; Braburchoi; Pindiyali | Podopyllaceae | Root; Whole plant | Decoction of root is taken to cure asthma. Whole plant is used to treat cough, tuberculosis. | [27]; [28] |
201. | Solanum anguivi Lam. | Katukchi, Kukhasi, Khunathai | Solanaceae | Fruit | Fruit is eaten as raw in cough. | [47] |
202. | Solanum indicum L. | Dengabhegi; Kanderi | Solanaceae | Leaf; Fruit | It is a major ingredient of natural cough syrup containing 11 herbal elements together with Solanum indicum, Ocimum sanctum, Curcuma longa, Adhatoda vasica, Piper cubeba, Aloe barbadensis etc., could be very efficient in thinning of bronchial secretion in instances of acute bacterial tracheobronchitis. Decoction of its leaves is helpful for cough and cold.
Decoction of fruit is taken in asthma. |
[38]; [32]; [27] |
203. | Solanum torvum L. | Sundai | Solanaceae | Leaf | Leaves powder is given in cough, cold and asthma. | [23] |
204. | Solanum trilobatum L. | Thoothuvalai | Solanaceae | Leaf | Leaves paste is given in cough and cold. | [23] |
205. | Solanum viarum Dunal | Chhapakmol | Solanaceae | Seed | Seed powder with honey employed in cough. | [31] |
206. | Solanum violaceum Ortega | Puthari chunda
Seed | Seeds are used for the preparation of oil used in the case of cough and bronchial diseases. | [42] |
207. | Solanum virginianum L. | Bheji-Baigana; Kandakari chunda
Solanaceae | Whole plant, root, Fruit; Seed | 1-3 gm powder and 40-80 ml of decoction are some of the dosages of the plant (dose depends upon the condition of patient). Fruits are used by tribal people to cure asthma. Fruits are fried with “desi ghee” and given to patient for relief of asthma. Fresh-root juice is mixed in pure honey and taken internally on an empty stomach to treat asthma. Plant decoction is used along with pepper powder to treat cough. | [38]; [50]; [42] |
208. | Sonchus arvensis L. | Sochal | Asteraceae | Root | Roots used in cough, asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. | [33] |
209. | Sonchus oleraceus L. | Asteraceae | Root | A tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of asthma and cough. | [27] | |
210. | Sonchus wightianus DC. | Asteraceae | Leaf; Latex; Root | Plant is used to treat cough, bronchitis, asthma. | [28] | |
211. | Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rehder | Kamyat | Rosaceae | Fruit; Stem | Fruit and stem is used to treat asthma. | [28] |
212. | Sorbus aucuparia L. | Rosaceae | Fruit | Fruits are used to treat cough and cold. | [28] | |
213. | Spilanthes acmella (L.) L. | Akarkara | Asteraceae | Flower | Flower is used in cold and bronchitis. | [27] |
214. | Stellaria media (L.) Vill. | Bariyala | Caryophyllaceae | Whole plant | Decoction is useful in the treatment of chest complaints. | [27] |
215. | Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC | Bignoniaceae | Root | Decoction of the root (10 ml) is given twice daily for one month against asthma. | [25] | |
216. | Tagetus minuta L. | Gutta | Asteraceae | Whole plant | Volatile oil extracted from the plant is having bronchodilator properties. | [33] |
217. | Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. | Sirphonka | Fabaceae | Root; Leaf | Root powder mixed in honey is given in the night at bedtime for relief from chronic cough and lung pain. Powdered leaves are smoked for relief from asthma and cough. | [33]; [43] |
218. | Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. | Bahera | Combretaceae | Fruit | The fruit chewed is believed to cure cold, asthma. | [27]; [30] |
219. | Terminalia chebula Retz. | Harir | Combretaceae | Seed; Fruit | Seed coat is used against flu and cold.
Rind of fruit is wrapped with young leaves of mango and tied with the stem of Abrus precatorius. The rind thus cooked is eaten as an expectorant. |
[33]; [50] |
220. | Thymus linearis Benth. | Kochi masha | Lamiaceae | Whooping cough, cold and phlegm. | [28] | |
221. | Thymus serphyllum L. | Banajwain | Lamiaceae | Leaf, Seed | Leaves and seeds are considered a popular remedy for cough and cold. | [26] |
222. | Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thomas. | Guduchi, Gloh | Menispermaceae | Root; Stem | The stem extract significantly reduced bronchial spasms (allergic). Root powder mixed with honey is used against asthma. | [38]; [33] |
223. | Trachyspermum ammi Sprague | Ajwain | Apiaceae | Whole plant | Whole plant extract is used to cure cough, asthma, bronchitis and cold. | [41] |
224. | Tragia involucrata L. | Euphorbiaceae | Leaf | Leaf juice (5ml) is given twice a day for 7 days for whooping cough. | [25] | |
225. | Trifolium pratense L. | Fabaceae | Aerial parts | Aerial parts are used to treat cough and bronchitis. | [28] | |
226. | Tylophora indica L. | Admutdballi | Apocynaceae | Root | 5-10 ml of root extract given daily for 5 days to cure asthma | [22] |
227. | Urena lobata L. | Sampakpi | Malvaceae | Leaf | Leaf juice with honey given in cough. | [40] |
228. | Viola biflora L. | Banaksha | Violaceae | Leaf, Flower, Seed | Plant is used to treat cough and cold. | [28] |
229. | Viola canescens Wall. ex Roxb. | Banksha; Banafsha | Violaceae | Leaf, Flower | Decoction of its flowers and leaves is used in the treatment of cough, cold, bronchitis and asthma. | [32]; [28] |
230. | Viola pilosa L. | Banafsha | Violaceae | Whole plant | Plant is used to treat cough, cold and lungs disorder. | [28] |
231. | Vitex negundo L. | Lekki; Banna | Lamiaceae | Leaf | 3 to 5 fresh leaves are taken daily for one week to cure cough. Fresh leaves are boiled in water and vapors are inhaled twice daily to relieve cold and cough. Fresh leaf-juice mixed in honey is taken on empty stomach in asthma. | [22]; [32]; [50] |
232. | Verbascum thapsus L. | Gidat Tamaku; Ban Tambaku | Scrophulariaceae | Leaf, Flower | Smoke of flowers and leaves useful for asthma and other pulmonary problems.
Tea of leaves is used in cold. |
[27]; [33]; [34] |
233. | Viola canescens Wall. | Banafsha | Violaceae | Leaf, Flower | Decoction taken to cure cold, cough. | [27] |
234. | Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal | Aswagandha | Solanaceae | Root, leaf | The leaves are chewed to cure cough.
Paste of roots is also effective against cough. |
[32], [44] |
235. | Xanthium strumarium L. | Hameng sampakpi | Asteraceae | Leaf | Leaf extract with honey is given in fever and cough. | [40] |
236. | Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. | Rutaceae | Leaf | Leaves are boiled with Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus leaves and the decoction is taken orally to treat cough. | [46] | |
237. | Zanthoxylum armatum DC. | Mangeangniu, Tangangnong | Rutaceae | Leaf | Decoction of leaves is given in cough. | [47] |
238. | Zingiber montanum (J.Koenig) Link ex A.Dietr | Zingiberaceae | Tuber | The pounded tuber is mixed with honey and taken orally to treat cough. | [46] | |
239. | Zingiber officinale Rosc. | Ada; Shunti; Inchi
Zingiberaceae | Rhizome | Same quantities of ginger juice, honey, and pomegranate juice are blended and a tablespoon of this mixture is given 2 - 3 times every day in asthma. Decoction is made by boiling ginger pieces (or ginger powder) in a cup of water for five - 10 minutes. Honey is added to it enhance the flavor and given to drink 1-2 times daily to relieve allergies. 20 ml of juice prepared from corm, betel leaves is given daily for one week to cure cough and cold. Rhizome is burnt and grounded with five to ten seeds of black pepper taken orally to cure cold and cough. Rhizome juice alone or mixed with lemon juice and Kaempferia galanga rhizome is taken for cold and whooping cough. | [38]; [22]; [30]; [39]; [42] |
A total of 239 plant species belonging to 193 genera and 80 families were reported as being used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract Table 1. It was observed that, maximum number of plant species used in remedial formulations were belongs to family Asteraceae (24 species) followed by Fabaceae (23 species), Lamiaceae (18 species), Solanaceae (11 species), Acathaceae, Apocynaceae and Malvaceae (8 species), Apiaceae and Euphorbiaceae (7 species), Zingiberaceae (6 species) etc. Asteraceae has been considered as one of the largest plant family of flowering plants in India, including many with appreciable medicinal importance 12.
The traditional medicinal applications of several species of Asteraceae family have been recorded in the literature. Several bioactive compounds have been evaluated for their medicinal importance 13. These could be the reasons for the wider use of Asteraceae family plants in traditional medicines in India. The genus with the maximum number of species was Solanum with seven species. Evaluation of literature showed that all plant parts including roots, stem, rhizome, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, whole plant and aerial parts were used in various preparations of herbal medicines, but leaves (93 species) were most frequently harvested. The collection of leaves for various herbal preparations does not affect the life cycle of plants therefore, it does not harm flora of any particular area 14. The maximum use of leaves might be due to their comparatively easy collection and availability in the surrounding areas. Moreover, it is believed that leaves are rich in extractable phytochemicals, crude drugs, and many other micro and macro elements which may be proven as valuable for the treatment of various health-related ailments 15.
Leaves were followed by roots (59 species), whole plant (41 species), fruits (24 species), flowers (19 species), seeds (17 species), bark (14 species), aerial parts (12 species), stem (11 species), rhizome (8 species). The use of other parts may probably be due to bioactive components 16, 17. The medicinal plants in which roots are harvested are highly threatened 18. Thus harvesting of roots can be considered destructive for flora in any region. Traditional healers or indigenous people used several herbal formulations preparation modes (decoction, cooked, infusion, powder, paste, juice, extract, and raw). However, decoction, extract, powder or juices were the most common processes. The literature also showed that among the respiratory diseases, asthma, cough and cold are mostly treated using traditional medicinal plants but very few plants were record to cure serious diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), occupational lung diseases, pulmonary hypertension and tuberculosis. During data analysis, most of the published research work was obtained from Odisha, India. This may be due to the common occurrence of respiratory diseases in that state, extensive research work or presence of rich floral diversity not only in the forest or rural areas but also near campuses of educational institutions and other government offices 19. Inhaled corticosteroids commonly given in asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) negatively affect bones, eyes, immunity, growth, pregnancy, skin and have been associated with diabetes 20. About 70% of medicines used for the treatment of various diseases are derived from plants or other natural sources. The collection of ethnobotanically used medicinal plants provides first-hand information to pharmaceutical companies, which can further isolate particular molecules responsible for treating different diseases. The antiallergic, antihistamine properties of these plants can be studied in detail. Various laboratory modifications may change the pure compounds or isolated molecules by following various processes. Further, they undergo various clinical trials, and their toxic effects and complete mechanism of action can be studied in detail. If found effective, then can be mass-produced in factories and systematically marketed 21.
CONCLUSION: People have well realized the side effects of synthetic drugs, and as a result, a very good population worldwide has started to explore herbal therapies to treat common respiratory-related issues. However, modern medical science has been proven to be a boon in serious health-related cases. The present review indicated that people residing in different regions or states still use hundreds of medicinal plants to treat different respiratory system-related issues. Further, the detailed exploration of phytochemicals, pharmacological study, and toxicity effects of these plants will help in the scientific validation of various new drugs.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We would like to thank all the researchers and contributors whose works have been consulted and whose ideas and insights have contributed to this work.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article:
Thakur S and Kaur K: Traditional medicinal plants used for the treatment of respiratory problems in India: a review. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2023; 14(8): 3753-68. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.14(8).3753-68.
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Sweta Thakur * and Kuljinder Kaur
Department of Biology, Teens Claz, 168/A Maria Arcade 3rd Floor, 1st Block Kormangala, Karnataka, India.
21 July 2022
14 June 2023
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