AbstractAnalytical monitoring of Pharmaceutical products is necessary to ensure its safety and efficacy throughout all phases of the drug. A systematic approach should be adapted to the presentation and evaluation of stable information, which should include, as necessary, physical, chemical, biological and microbiological test characteristics. Indian System of Medicine (ISM) frequently uses metal/mineral drugs. It is mandatory to standardize the preparatory procedures. For the Pharmaceutical standardization, three batches of the Panchavaktra ras were prepared and analytical study of final product carried out. Panchavaktra ras consist equal parts of Parada (Mercury), Gandhaka (Sulphur), Tankana (Borax) Pippali (Piper longum L.) and Marica (Piper nigrum L.), and Mardhana (Grinding) was done carefully with sufficient quantity of juice of Datura metel leaves for 24 hours and a final product was obtained in the form of Vati (tablet) form. It is one of the formulations mentioned in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) disease. The final products were subjected to Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) studies and values of XRD peaks of particular Panchavaktra ras were observed. This study revealed that high peaks of HgS (Metacinnabar), free S (Sulfur), Chabazite (Ca- exchanged), dehydrated Ca (structure- Rhombohedral) in the final products. The structural and chemical characterization of the HgS (Metacinnabar) found as cubic, free S (Sulphur) as Orthorhombic in all the samples. The 50% strongest peaks of HgS were present at 2-Theta scale between 26-31, 43-44, 51-55, 70-72 degrees. This paper points out the importance of XRD, as a standard tool for further studies and research of Herbo-mineral formulations.
Article Information
B. Srinivasulu*, P. Bhadra Dev, P.H.C. Murthy
P.G. Department of Rasa-Shastra, Dr. N.R.S. Government Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
13 March, 2012
21 April, 2012
30 May, 2012
01 June, 2012