Rohit Kumar Khatik, Anita Sharma and Aarti Kondel
Department of Agadtantra, National Institute of Ayurved, Aamer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan India
ABSTRACT: In Ayurveda, there are less toxic herbal drugs known as upavisha. Upavisha are mostly use in various diseases with many therapeutically preparations. As per Ayurveda, Upavisha is group of less toxic drug. These drugs are either not having all ten gunas or they have less potent gunas. The properties of these drugs are to cure acute and chronic disease. These groups also have antimicrobial/ anti- infective activity. Ayurvedic formulation having these drugs can be used in various microbial disorders. The classical preparations of all upavisha are indicated in mostly chronic ailments, vatavikara, neuromuscular disorder, gastrointestinal disorder and skin disorder.
Keywords: |
Upavisha Drugs, Antimicrobial Activity, Clinical Correlation
INTRODUCTION: Ayurveda has richest source of pioneer health knowledge and treatment as well as preventive and curative. Ayurveda has eight branches. Agad tantra is one of the most important branche of Ayurveda which deals with study of all animal, herbal and other poisonous substances, sign, symptoms and management. The Visha (poison) is divided in two major groups, sthavar visha (vegetative and mineral poison) and jangam visha (animal poison) 1. Sthavara visha is again divided in to visha and upavisha. The number of visha and upvisha are nine and eleven respectively. According to Acharya Sadananda Sharma upavisha are following;
Vishatinduk beeja (Nuxvomica)
Ahiphen (Opium)
Bhanga (Indian Hemp)
Gunja (Indian Liquorice)
Arka ksheera (Madar)
nuhi ksheera (Common milk hedge
Langali (Malabar Glory Lily)
Karveera (Indian oleander) 2
Strychnos nuxvomica:
The antibacterial activity and antifungal activity of Strychnos nuxvomica extracted from n-butanol, methanol, distilled water were tested against Staphylococcus, aureus, Salmonella and Klebsiella pneumonia. The antifungal activity in same solvent of nux vomica were tested against Aspergillus terreus, and Aspergillus flavus. Maximum zone of inhibition, was observed when n-butanol extract of Strychnos-nux vomica was were used aginst the said bacterial and fungal oraganism. The aqueous extract of Strychnos nux vomica does not showed any activity on bacteria and fungus 33. Antibacterial activity of ethylacetate extract of Strychnos nuxvomica, exhibited maximum zone of inhibition against Bacillus, Brochothrix, Clavibacter, Ancylobacter and Brevibacterium were observed 34.
Papaver somniferum:
Antibacterial effects of opiates that had been showed in different studies 35. Antibacterial and antifungal effects of bupivacaine and morphine are reported, but they are dose dependent 36.
Croton tiglium:
Antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of C. tiglium show inhibitory activity against (Shalid et al. 2008). Antimicrobial activity of different plant extracts on pathogenic bacteria was studied and reported by other worker 37. The leaf and seed extract of Croton tiglium possesses antibacterial and antifungal activities against the microorganisms tested. A total of seven microorganisms which consists of four bacteria and three fungi (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis) were tested 38.
Datura metel:
Several reports have been carried out with antimicrobial activity against bacteria, bacterial pathogens and fungi (Sakthi et al., 2011 and Ali and Shuab, 1996). The different extracts was tested for its antimicrobial activity against one gram (+) bacteria (S. aureus) and three gram (−) bacteria (E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa) on nutrient agar plates using disc Diffusion method 39.
Cannabis sativa:
The various extracts of C. sativa in were tested and got antibacterial and antifungal activity against two Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, two Gram negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and two fungi Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans 40.
Abrus precatorius:
The different concentration methanol extracts of Abrus precatorius L. plant shows antimicrobial activity against the tested organisms in the order of Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholera, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes, Klebsiella pneumonia, Bacillus megaterium. In case of fungi activity against tested organisms was in the order of Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans. In case of the maximal antibacterial activity was observed against Klebsiella pneumonia 41. The antibacterial activity of A. precatorius seed methanolic crude extracts showed maximum antibacterial activity on Klebsilla pneumonia, followed by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis and Micrococus luteus 42.
Semecarpus anacardium:
The preformed compounds like saponins also have antifungal properties (Aboabaet al., 2001). Many plants contain non-toxic glycosides that can get hydrolyzed to release phenolics that are toxic to microbial pathogens (Aboaba et al., 2001). The compounds detected may be responsible for the antibacterial activity of the nuts of S. anacardium L.f. Several research works were done on phenolic constituents (Govindachari et al., 1971; Prakasa Rao and Ramachandra Rao, 1973).
An Ayurvedic preparations of S.anacardium called “Bhallatakasava” was shown to have antibacterial activity against tetanus causing micro organism 43. Alcoholic and oil extracts of S.anacardium dry nuts have antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria 44. Anacardic acid from the nuts exhibited antimicrobial properties 45. Alcoholic extract of dry nuts showed dose dependant antifungal activity in vitro against Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans. At 400mg/ml concentration, growth of both fungi were inhibited and considerable reduction in size of cells, hyphae, and reduced sporulation was also observed 46.
Calotropis procera: Antibacterial property of Calotropis dry latex, the main target is the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. Damage also occurs to the outer membrane in gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall in gram-positive cells 47. Calotropis latex content is having the antifungal (Aspergillus flavus) property and can kill Several fungi 48.
Euphorbia nerifolia:
The methanol extract of plant Euphorbia neriifolia possess significant antimicrobial activity in term of antibacterial and antifungal effects (two gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aerugenosa and four gram negative bacteria Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Proteus vulgaris and two fungi Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans. This antimicrobbial property against bacteria and fungi surely is due to presence of some antimicrobial substances in stems 49.
Gloriosa superb:
The antibacterial activity results of seeds and tubers extracts of G. superba showed excellent effect against the five gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The result of tuber extracts presented maximum zone of inhibition was observed on B. cereus in methanol 250 μl concentration followed by E. coli, S. fecalis, K. pneumonia, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, S. cremoris, P. vulgaris, B. subtilis and minimum zone of inhibition observed on S. typhi 50. Phytochemicals from root tubers have wide spectrum action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria along with antifungal and mutagenic potential.
The maximum inhibitory activity was seen in methanol extracts. In the case of tuber, the high inhibitory activity was seen in methanol extract against Proteus vulgaris and Bacillus sp 51 and also in flower and seed, maximum inhibition zone obtained in methanol extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus respectively (Nikhila et al., 2014).
Nerium indicum (NI)/ Thevetia nerifolia(TN):
All the extracts displayed broad spectrum of activity against gram +ve bacteria and fungus. The Nerium indicum extracts decrease the microbial growth, this suggests that it is, having microbiostatic effects. The results obtained are encouraging as the methanolic, chloroform, hexane extracts have shown considerable antimicrobial activity. The activity of the plant is appreciable considering the importance of microorganisms 52. An ethnopharmacological screening, plants used in Nepalese traditional medicine were evaluated for antiviral activity.
Methanolic and methanolic-aqueous extracts derived of 23 species were assayed in two in vitro viral systems, influenza virus/MDCK cells and herpes simplex virus/Vero cells. Nerium indicum showed the highest antiinfluenzaviral activity with 50% inhibitory dose of 10 microg/ml against herpes simplex virus. None of these extracts showed cytotoxic effects 53. The active phytocomponents of Thevetia neriifolia was studied and further the antibacterial activity of the plant extracts was assayed in vitro by agar well diffusion method Against two gram positive (Staphylococcus pneumonia, Staphyococcus aureus) & two gram negative (E.coli, Salmonella typhi) bacterial species found inhibition action 54.
S.N. Upvisha drugs Properties Part Used 1. Vishatinduk(Strychnos nuxvomica) Rasa-Tikta,Katu;Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna;Virya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Aakshepjanana, Vedanasthapan, Sothahar, ShoolprashamanDosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata har Beeja-majja(mesocarp of seeds) 2. Ahiphen(Papaver somniferum) Rasa-Tikta,Kashaya; Guna-Laghu,ruksha,Sukshma,vyvayi, vikashi Virya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Madak,Vedanasthapan, Nidrajanan,Aakshephar; Dosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Fruit latex 3. Jaipal(Croton tiglium) Rasa-Katu; Guna-Guru,ruksha, Tikshna,Virya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma- Tikshna Virechaka, Lekhan, SphotajananDosha Prabhava-Kapha-Pitta Shamak Seeds 4. Dhatturbeeja(Datura metel) Rasa-Tikta,Katu;Guna-Laghu, ruksha,vyvayi, vikashiVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu; Karma-Madak, Vedanasthapan, Jantughna, Shoolprashaman; Dosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Seeds 5. Bhanga(Cannabis sativa) Rasa-Tikta;Guna-Laghu,TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Madak,Vedanasthapan,Shoolprashaman;Dosha Prabhava-Vata-Kapha Shamak Leaves, Latex 6. Gunja(Abrus precatorius) Rasa-Tikta,Kashaya;Guna-Laghu,Ruksha,TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Kushthghna,Vedanasthapan,Keshya,Garbhanirodhaka; Dosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Seeds 7. Bhallatak(Semecarpus anacardium) Rasa-Katu,Tikta,Kashaya;Guna-Laghu,Snigdha,Tikshnam Virya-ushna; Vipaka- Madhur;Karma- Sphotajanan, Sheetprashaman, Vishaghna Dosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Fruits 8. Arka ksheera(Calotropis procera) Rasa-Katu, Tikta,; Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Vedanasthapan, Shothahar, Kushthaghna, Vranashodhana, JantughnaDosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Latex 9. Snuhi ksheera(Euphorbia nerifolia) Rasa-Katu;Guna-Laghu, TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu; Karma-Tikshna Virechaka, Lekhan,Vedanasthapan, Shothahar, VishaghnaDosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Latex 10. Langali(Gloriosa superba) Rasa-Katu, Tikta,; Guna-Laghu, TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Raktotklesh, Kshobhak, Krimighna,Garbhapatan Dosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Tuber (Root) 11. Karveera(Nerium indicum)(Thevetia nerifolia) Rasa-Katu, Tikta,; Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, TikshnaVirya-ushna; Vipaka- Katu;Karma-Shothahar, Kushthaghna, VranashodhanaDosha Prabhava-Kapha-Vata Shamak Root,Root’s bark TABLE 2: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EACH DRUG OF UPAVISHA
S.N. Drugs Composition 1. Vishatinduk(Strychnos nuxvomica) Strychnine, Brucine 4 2. Ahiphen(Papaver somniferum) Morphine, Codeine, Thebaine, Papaverine, Noscapine 5 3. Jaipal(Croton tiglium) Crotin (toxalbumen), Crotonside (glycoside) 6 4. Dhatturbeeja(Datura metel) Scopolamine, Hyosciamine, Atropine, Meteolodine 7 5. Bhanga(Cannabis sativa) Tetrahydrocannabinol, Cannabidiol, Cannabinol, β-caryophyllene(Some of the 483 compounds identified are unique to Cannabis) 8 6. Gunja(Abrus precatorius) Abrin, Abrine, abralin 9 7. Bhallatak(Semecarpus anacardium) Semecarpol, Bhilawanol 10 8. Arka ksheera(Calotropis procera) Calotropin, Calotoxin, Uscharin, Gigantin 11 9. Snuhi ksheera(Euphorbia nerifolia) Neriifolione, Neriifoliene, atriterpene 12 10. Langali(Gloriosa superba) Colchicine, Gloriosine 13 11. Karveera(Nerium indicum)(Thevetia nerifolia) Neriodorin, Neriodorein, Karabin, Scopoletin, ScopolinPruvoside, Ruvoside, Nariifolin, Cerberin 14 TABLE 3: AYURVEDIC MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF EACH CONSTITUENTS OF UPAVISHA 15
S.N. Drugs P.V. Sharma Uses in Nighantus Ayurvedic Formulation 1. Vishatinduk Aakshepahar Kushthaghna,Kandughna,Vatarogahar,Arshoghna Agnitundivati,Navjivan ras,Lakshmivillas ras,Krimimudagar ras, 2. Ahiphen Madakari Agnivivardhanam,Kantiviryabalprada,Grahi,Shleshmaghnam Ahiphenasava,Nidrodaya vati,Dugdhavati,Karpur ras, 3. Jaipal Tiksnavirechana Krimihar,Jalodarvinashaka,Sarpadashtavishahar Jalodarari ras,Jwaramurari ras,Ichchhabhedi ras 4. Dhattur-beeja Shoolahar Kantikari,Twagdoshahar,Kandughna,Jwarahar, Unmadgajankusharas,Sootsekharras,Kankasav, 5. Bhanga Madakari Mohahar,Deepan,Nidraroga, Jatiphaladi Choorna,Madnanand modak 6. Gunja Upvisha Indraluptahara,Kandughna,Kushthaghna, Gunjabhadra ras, 7. Bhallatak Kushthaghna Kriminashan,Gulmahar,Arshoghna Bhallatak tail,Amritbhallatak Yoga,Tila arushkar Yoga, 8. Arka ksheera Tiksnavirechana Kriminashan,Gulmahar,Arshoghna Arka vati,Arka Lavana, 9. Snuhi ksheera Tiksnavirechana Unmaad,Meha,kushthaghna, Arsha,Visha-dushivishahar Snuhyadi Tail 10. Langali Garbhashaya-sankochak Krimighna,Kushthaghna,Shoshhar Kasisadi Taila,Langali rasayan 11. Karveera Hridya Krimighna,Kandughna,Chakshushya, Karveeradya Taila,Karveer yoga TABLE 4: MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF EACH CONSTITUENTS OF UPAVISHA
S.N. Drugs Indications 1. Vishatinduk Identification of targets for suppression of inflammation and cancer 16,Pharmacologically Strychnos nux-vomica showed anticancer, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and anti feederent activity, Their specific effects on gastrointestinal problem, nervous system, blood glucose level, bones cells and cardiovascular systemshave been also investigated 17. 2. Ahiphen It beneficial in migraine,malaria, dysmenorrhoea, cystitis, menorrhagia and other painful conditions 18.Seed oil, free from narcotic principles is useful in diarrhoea and dysentery 19. 3. Jaipal Seed oil have anti leukemic action 20. Antinociceptive and Smooth Muscle Relaxant Activity of Seed 21. 4. Dhattur-beeja Seed were used to treat vertigo, epilepsy and hydrophobia 22. It also cures Cholera, chronic diarrhoea, intermittent fever 23. 5. Bhanga 6. Gunja The seeds are used in various diseases like alopecia, edema, helminthes, skin diseases, itching, urinary disorders 24 and also use in treatment of ulcer and diarrhea 25. 7. Bhallatak It beneficial in Sciatic neuralgia, early stage of rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis 26. 8. Arka ksheera The latex is used for treating ringworm, guinea worm blisters, scorpion stings, venereal sores and ophthalmic disorders; also used as alaxative 27, 28. 9. Snuhi ksheera It havin Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect 29 and also used in the treatment of bronchitis, bleeding piles and in ano-rectal fistula 30. 10. Langali It is used for the treatment of ulcers, leprosy, piles, inflammations 31. 11. Karveera As an external medicine it is used against all kinds of skin diseases like rash, scabies, ringworm, lice, leprosy and boils, skin eruptions or irritations in herpes and to destroy maggots in wounds 32. CONCLUSION: By this all review work, It is concluded that Upvisha Varg herbs having good efficacy of Anti-bacterial, Antifungal and Antivirus properties. So, these all drugs having good capacity to treat infectious diseases by indigenous method. There is a vast area of research for developing new combinations for infectious disease.
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How to cite this article:
Khatik RK, Sharma A and Kondel A: Antimicrobial Activity of Upavisha and Its Clinical Correlation with Contemporary Science; a Review. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2016; 7(1): 55-61.doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.7 (1).55-61.
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Article Information
Rohit Kumar Khatik, Anita Sharma and Aarti Kondel
Department of Agad Tantra & Vyavhara Ayurved National Institute of Ayurved, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
17 July, 2015
09 December, 2015
19 December, 2015
01 January, 2016