Posted by admin on Feb 28, 2022 in |
Introduction: Anabaena azollae (AM) is used as a biofertilizer feed for cattle; much research is developing toward identifying the elements and their role in food supplements for human consumption. Objective: The study was to characterize the whole plant powder of the A. microphylla concerning physicochemical and elemental analysis. Material and Methods: The whole plant powder was subjected to physicochemical analysis such as total ash content, acid insoluble ash content, and moisture content by standard procedure. Further, it was analyzed for elements through SEM and XRD studies. Results: The results revealed that the total ash content, acid insoluble ash content and moisture content were within limits. The morphological feature of the A. microphylla whole plant powder showed a compact structure. The XRD showed that the elements such as carbon, oxygen, potassium, calcium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, and silicon were present in descending order and within the normal limits. Conclusion: The presence of the inorganic elements in the whole plant powder of A. microphylla was within limits for the plants’ standardization. Hence,...
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Posted by admin on Oct 31, 2021 in |
Purpose: Lifestyle modification is recommended as a primary strategy for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Recently, metabolic regulations of diets containing parts of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) were investigated using the NAFLD mouse model. Methods: Five groups of C57BL/6J mice (n = 6) were arranged. Each received a distinct diet for 12 weeks as follows: Control group (mice fed with control diet), HFD group (mice fed with high-fat diet (HFD)), POSITIVE group (mice fed with 20 mg/kg/day simvastatin-mixed HFD), HFD-OP group (mice fed with 800 mg/kg/day okra peel powder-mixed HFD), and HFD-OS group (mice fed with 400 mg/kg/day okra seed powder-mixed HFD). Feed intake and body weight were recorded daily. After killing, blood samples were collected for measuring glucose and lipids concentrations. Visceral fat content and liver histochemistry were examined. Results: NAFLD/NASH mouse model was successfully developed by the 12-weeks HFD consumption. Increases of body weight, visceral fat, and blood glucose were not different among these five groups. HFD and Positive mice greatly...
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Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2021 in |
Purpose of the study: To assess Structural and functional abnormalities associated with High fructose diet-induced Metabolic syndrome in wistar albino rats. Materials and Methods: Metabolic syndrome is induced in adult male Wistar albino rats by feeding a combination of High Fructose Diet (55%) and Fructose enriched water (15%) for 75 days and kept as group 2 or HFrD Group. Normal male Wistar albino rats were kept as Normal control. During the entire course of study, weekly weight gain was monitored once a week in both groups. Biochemical investigations such as lipid profile, liver function test, and renal function test was carried out using standard methods. Routine histological studies were done to analyze the microstructural changes. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by students‘t’ tests and the values were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: Chronic administration of a High fructose diet (HFrD) resulted in obesity, abnormal hepatic and renal functions in wistar rats. The gross and microstructural changes were minimal in the pancreas and heart, whereas significant damages were...
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Posted by admin on Jun 30, 2021 in |
The unripe fruit of Meyna spinosa / Laxiflora is used for the treatment of diabetes by traditional healers. The effect of the aqueous extract of the fruit is investigated on the normal and elevated blood glucose level of the experimental animal rats. The blood glucose level of the rats is elevated with the administration of I.P streptozotocin. The estimation of the blood glucose level is done by using a kit based on the glucose oxidase method. The rat has a blood glucose level above 280mg/dl is considered for the normal and anti-hyperglycemic study. The doses of the extract are selected as 200, 300mg/kg, and the route of administration is oral. The effect of the extract on the normal and elevated glucose level of the rat is compared with that of the standard drugs- glibenclamide and metformin. The effect of the extract on normal blood glucose level is not significant when compared with that of glibenclamide, whereas the effect of the extract on elevated blood glucose level is significant when...
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Posted by admin on May 31, 2021 in |
Next-generation printing or commonly known as three-dimensional (3D) printing (3DP), is a fabrication process of construction of a 3D object using a computer-aided design or digital 3D model. The 3D object is created layer by layer by depositing, joining, or solidifying a feedstock material such as thermoplastic polymer under the control of a computer-designed program. It is considered the latest technology that has the potential to address complex medical and pharmaceutical problems, such as prototyping essential medical devices, equipment, and novel drug delivery systems. The ability of 3DP to produce medications with accurate specifications tailored to the needs of individual patients has indicated the possibility of developing personalized medicines. The technology allows dosage forms to be precisely printed in various shapes, sizes, and textures, in a limited time period. In spite of many potential medical and economic benefits of 3DP, some technical and regulatory challenges are associated with the widespread application of 3DPin the pharmaceutical sector; those need to be addressed by proper research so that the benefit of...
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