Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
The plant Acacia leucophloea Roxb is reported to have great medicinal value in Indian medicine. The present study deals with the pharmacognostical investigation on stem bark of Acacia leucophloea. Pharmacognostical evaluation such as macroscopical and microscopical characters, ash value, moisture content and extractive values were carried out. ...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
The aim of the present investigation was to develop a novel gastro retentive dosage form of Ranitidine hydrochloride (RHCl) to achieve prolong gastric retention, increase drug bioavailability and to modulate the release of RHCl in the stomach, by using various ratios of HPMC E-15, a low-density grade polymer and it was cheaper and easily available along with Carbopol 934, as gel former. Sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were added as Effervescent agent. The tablets were prepared by wet granulation technique as 12 different formulation batches F1 to F12 depend on variable polymer ratios by using single punch hand operating machine, were evaluated for physical characteristics viz. hardness, swelling index, thickness, and weight variation. Further, tablets were evaluated for in vitro buoyancy time and in vitro release characteristics for 12 hr. Tablet achieved sufficient buoyancy due to the CO2-gas formation and their entrapment by polymeric gel membrane. The increased amount of a gas forming agent did not affect time to float but increased the drug release from the floating tablets...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
Infectious diseases are the second leading cause of death worldwide. Treatment of infections continues to be problematic in modern time because of the severe side effects of some drugs and the growing resistance to antimicrobial agents. Butea monosperma (L) bark ethanolic and aqueous extract has shown good efficacy against Bacillus cereus. Pseudomonas aerugenosa and Escherichia Coli in concentration dependent manner which were grown on MH- Agar medium. 1000mg/ml has shown better zone of inhibition (ZOI) in all the cases of above micro...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
Guava is one of the most liked fruit items in Ethiopia and has its own economical importance. In concern with that a project experiment cum survey was carried out on the prevalence of post-harvest diseases of guava was conducted in Aksum in the months of January and March, 2009. During the experiment, 80 samples of diseased guava fruits were collected from different sites of Aksum, Ethiopia. The isolation of post harvest pathogen and analysis of diseased guava fruits was carried out and found that the prevalence of maximum fungi found to be Pestalotia psidii about 32.16% was the major post harvest pathogen isolated from the samples, followed by Rhizopus stolonifer (16%), Aspergillus niger (10.40%), Penicillium expansum (7.20%), Rhizoctonia solani (3.20%) and Fusarium sp. (1.6%). This study is an initiation for the effective post harvest management practice to increase the shelf life of guava and minimize the loss of post harvested guava in the coming...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
This study evaluated the in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of methanolic extract of the rhizome of Costus speciosus (Zingiberaceae). The different antioxidants assays including total antioxidant activity, DPPH, nitric oxide (NO) scavenging, total phenolic content and flavonoid content were studied. Costus speciosus exhibited potent total antioxidant activity which was expressed as an equivalent of ascorbic acid mg/g plant extract. In addition, Costus speciosus had effective free radical scavenging, nitric oxide scavenging activity, total phenolic content and flavonoid content depending on concentration. These various antioxidant activities were compared with the standard antioxidants ascorbic acid and quercetin. The extract of the rhizome of Costus speciosus also demonstrated a strong cytotoxic activity against brine shrimp nauplii with an LC50 value of 31.55...
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