Posted by admin on Apr 1, 2010 in |
More than 50% of pharmaceutical products are orally administered for several Reasons and undesirable taste is one of the important formulation problems that is Encountered with such oral products. Taste of a pharmaceutical product is an important parameter governing compliance. Hence taste masking of oral Pharmaceuticals has become important tool to improve patient compliance and the Quality of treatment especially in paediatrics. Different methods have been suggested for Masking of taste of bitter drugs, which includes, coating of drug particles with inert agents, taste masking by formation of inclusion complexes, molecular complexes of drug with other chemicals, solid dispersion system, microencapsulation, multiple emulsions, using liposome’s, Prodrugs and mass extrusion method but ion exchange resin is one of most extensively Used method to overcome this problem. Ion-exchange resins (IER) have received considerable attention from pharmaceutical scientists because of their versatile properties as drug-delivery vehicles. In the past few years, IER have been extensively studied in the development of novel drug-delivery systems (DDSs) and other biomedical applications. Also Recently the New...
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Posted by admin on Mar 1, 2010 in |
In view of the ethanobotanical and traditional claims of Anthocephalus cadamba plant used as hypoglycemic agent and wide use of its bark, fruits and leaf extract in anti-diabetic activity. Methanolic extract of Anthocephalus cadamba bark in alloxan induce hypoglycemia in rats. In glucose loaded normal rats, hypoglycemia was observed maximum at 120 minutes after administration of ACBE (Anthocephalus cadamba bark extract). Single dose administration of ACBE produce significant hypoglycemic effect in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The present study indicates that the methanol extract of barks posses anti-diabetic properties which suggest the presence of biologically active components. The extract might be promoting glucose uptake and metabolism or inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis. Result from the phytochemical analysis of Anthocephalus cadamba revealed the presence of flavonoids, which has also been isolated from the other plant and found to stimulate secretion or possess an insulin-like effect....
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Posted by admin on Mar 1, 2010 in |
Jatropha curcas L. and P. pinnata Pierre is gaining importance as biodiesel crop in India. Jatropha curcas L. a member of the family Euphorbiacea and Pongamia pinnata, a member of the family Leguminoseae. A study was conducted to identify common arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi present in its rhizosphere from different regions of India viz., Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Hissar (Haryana), Jhansi and Lalitpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). The results showed that different AM fungal species were present at different locations. A total of five Acaulospora AM species were recorded in different location of India. The highest frequency of occurrence was recorded for Acaulospora scrobiculata Trappe (100%), minimum frequency of occurrence was observed in A. mellea in J. curcas. The highest frequency of occurrence was recorded for Acaulospora scrobiculata Trappe (75%), Moderates frequency of occurrence was observed in A. mellea in P. pinnata. Maximum species richness was recorded at Jodhpur, followed by Jodhpur, Hissar, Hydrabad, Jhansi, Lalitpur, and Pantnagar. Isolation of five species of Acaulospora species (A. dilatata (Morton), A. denticulata ...
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Posted by admin on Mar 1, 2010 in |
Butea monosperma (Fabaceae) is distributed all over India and has been used by triable as well a local people widely. Locally it is known as “Markundi” and a cool infusion of the flowers is taken in the treatment of diabetes among the Sahariya of Northwest M.P. Butea monosperma is used in the treatment of leprosy, gout, diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and leucorrhoea. In the present work the alcoholic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Butea monosperma were evaluated for its anthelmintic activity against adult earthworms (Phertima prosthuma). The activities of the extracts were compared with standard Albendazole. Both the extracts and standard were prepared in saline water. The alcoholic and aqueous extract of the leaves showed significant anthelmintic activity and it was found that the aqueous extract activity is higher than alcoholic...
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Posted by admin on Mar 1, 2010 in |
Depression should be recognized as a clinical syndrome that is characterised by a cluster of emotional, behavioural, and cognitive features. The prevalence of depression is consistently high worldwide, and is associated with considerable morbidity. Music is one of the oldest and most basic socio-cognitive domains of the human species. Music Therapy is growing as a profession globally, both in quantity and stature as a recognized treatment. In the light of above, we were interested to elucidate the usefulness of Music Therapy in the management of depressed patients. This research project was carried out on fifty indoor patients admitted at Gupta Hospital, Hisar. All the patients, who received Music Therapy showed fast recovery from depressive symptoms and exhibited normal behavior after 5 days of Music Therapy. Music Therapy had positive influence on the cognitive parameters and patients showed stable mind, better perception, improved expression, good intellect, fine decision making ability and sharp memory after receiving Music Therapy. Music Therapy administered for five days evoked fall in blood pressure and heart...
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