Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2010 in |
Holistic living is an art of living in harmony with nature and deals with a concern for the whole universe. The term holistic medicine is derived from the term “Holism” which means that a living being is not to be viewed as a composite of different organs but as an integrated entity viewed as a whole. The holistic concept takes into account individual’s physical, spiritual, nutritional and even social background. Holistic medicine is an intelligent combination best utilizing both streams i.e. while mainstream medicine is well suited for crisis intervention and alternative medicine is for health maintenance. Alternative medicine denotes a system of health care where combinations of healthcare systems are used instead of conventional or mainstream medicine to treat diseases. Alternative medical practices are based on a belief system and are not derived from modern science. But holistic medicine neither rejects conventional medicines nor comprises alternative practices. It is high time to recognize the emerging awareness, need and practice of Holistic and Integrated medicine. Drawing from various systems...
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Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2010 in |
Aqueous extract of the fruits of the plant Piper longum was studied for their Anti rheumatoid activity in Freunds Adjuvant Induced Arthritis Rats with the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg p. o. The administration of extract reported significant reduction in paw swelling on 4th, 8th, 14th and 21st day after sub-plenter administration of Complete Freunds adjuvant. The paw swelling was measured as a volume displacement using digital Plethysmometer. Furthermore, these results supported by radiographic analysis of affected knees of rats. From the results observed in the present investigation, it may be concluded that the aqueous extract of P. longum possesses potentially useful anti-arthritic activity in Complete Freunds Adjuvant...
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Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2010 in |
Medicinal plants are a major source of therapeutic agents since time immemorial. Tribal and rural community from their parents on folklore medicines acquires incredible knowledge of phytomedicine in non-coded form. With the repeated discussions and consultations with Tribal and Bhumkas, we selected 36 different medicinal plants of 30 families used against enteric infections form Melghat forest (Amravati district). Antibacterial activity with extracts prepared in aqueous, ethanol, methanol, and acetone was performed by disk diffusion method against bacterial enteric pathogens such as E. coli, S. aureus, E. aerogenes, Ps. aeruginosa, S. typhi, S. typhimurium, S. paratyphi, Pr. vulgaris, K. pneumoniae and Sh. flexneri. Acacia arabica leaves proved strong antibacterial against E. coli, S. aureus, E. aerogenes, Sh. flexneri, S. paratyphi and S. typhi. In Terminalia chebula fruits and Terminalia bellirica fruits strong antibacterial potential was observed against E. coli, E. aerogenes, Ps. aeruginosa and S. typhimurium. Phytochemical analysis showed presence of fats, oils, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, tannins, and...
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Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2010 in |
Soils generally contain adequate amount of inorganic and organic phosphorous but most of these remain unavailable to plants. The efficiency of water soluble phosphorus alone is usually low and soluble phosphorus when added to soil along with phosphate solubilizing microorganisms indicates utilization. The presence of soil microorganisms capable of transforming insoluble phosphorus to soluble form of phosphorus was studied Different phosphate dissolving bacterial strains are isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Costus plant and biochemical characterization and P2O5 uptake in liquid culture was...
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Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2010 in |
Objective: The selective COX-2 inhibitor has high cardiovascular side effects, with low GI side effects, as compare to the conventional NSAID and it is proved that low dose of any drugs is always good for the health due to chances of less adverse effects. So the main objective of this research work is to lower the dose of selective COX -2 inhibitor, combine with a conventional NSAID and find out the pharmacological activity of combination drug, selective cox-2 inhibitor alone and other standard NSAIDs and compare with control. Methods: Carrageenan induced hind paw edema in Rats and Brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia in rat models were used for the evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. Results: The % age of inhibition of edema at peak hrs i.e. at 3 and 4 hrs were (51.8%) and (49.7%) for standard drug (62.1%) and (59.3%) for test-1 drug (71.4%) and (70.1%). The percentage of reductions in rectal temperature of tests and standard group was shown in Graph-1 b. The present results show that...
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