Posted by admin on Dec 1, 2012 in |
Melt extrusion process which is well known in the polymer and food industry is now being used for pharmaceutical manufacturing to create innovative new formulations and is a continuous process of mixing and designing moldable materials. It is one of the most widely applied processing techniques useful for preparing solid dosage forms, granules, pellets, suppositories, implants, stents, ophthalmic inserts, transdermal and transmucosal drug delivery systems. Also this technique is used in Taste Masking, Solubility Enhancement, and Sustained-Release Pellets Manufacturing. Several advantages over other techniques include cost and performance benefits such as a faster path to FDA approval for new compounds, possible re-indication for existing active pharmaceutical ingredient (APIs), controllable bioavailability, possible lower doses, and probable lower production costs. Hot-melt extrusion efficiently produces solid molecular dispersions with considerable advantages over solvent-based processes such as spray drying and co-precipitation. In general, high temperatures have to be applied to extrude polymeric carriers. Melt extruded dosage forms are complex mixtures of API, excipients, and polymer carrier which are blended using single and twin-screw...
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Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2012 in |
The phrase alternative therapy is used to explain a wide range of treatments which, generally, are not available from conventional doctors. It may be diverse for different diseases. The Alternative therapy focuses on the many things from diet to exercise and lifestyle. Many people suffering from disease are looking for the management of diseases with the help of alternative therapies. According to physicians, most of the alternative therapies started with clinical observation or scientific research. These therapies include yoga, aromatherapy, massage, hypnosis, biofeedback, herbal remedies and many others. The main advantage of these therapies is to treat the basic cause of disease and health related problems or to support the conventional therapies. Not only are the variety of alternative therapies measured to be safe and effective, they also deal individuals a wide variety of health therapy that simply do not exist through conventional treatment. This article focuses on different alternative therapies with their benefits in conventional therapies which can promise ultimate answers to treat the...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2012 in |
The objective of this study was to conduct a survey and determine the barriers to implement performance-based management in pharmacies in Trinidad. PBM is defined as “a systematic approach to performance improvement through an on-going process of establishing strategic performance objectives, measuring performance, collecting, analyzing, reviewing, and reporting performance data, and using that data to drive performance improvement”(Performance Management Handbook). A questionnaire was conducted, with respect to the presence or absence of barriers to implementation of performance-based management at pharmacies along the East-West corridor of Trinidad. A twenty-two (22) question survey was administered to sixteen (16) pharmacies to be assessed. This region was chosen because of its close proximity and convenience. Fourteen (14) of the twenty-two (22) questions were based on a Likert-type scale, so that respondents were able to specify their level of agreement or disagreement of applicability on a symmetric “strongly agree – strongly disagree” scale for a series of statements based on the barriers of PBM implementation. Pharmacies were selected in a non-randomized manner. The SPSS...
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Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2012 in |
Atherosclerosis is one of the risk factors for coronary artery disease. The present study highlights the antiatherosclerotic activity of Methanolic extract of polyherbal preparation in experimentally induced atherosclerotic rats. Atherosclerosis was developed in male Albino Wistar rats, which were randomly divided into five groups of six animals each; by feeding with high cholesterol diet for 21 days. Group 1 received normal diet. Group 2 received high cholesterol diet (HCD) which served as control. Group 5 served as standard, administered with Atorvastatin (10 mg/kg) along with HCD and Group 3 and Group 4 were administered with methanolic extract of polyherbal preparation (300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg) along with HCD. Methanolic extract of polyherbal preparation reduced the raised serum level of total cholesterol, triglyceride , LDL ,VLDL and increased the serum HDL level as compared to the control group(High cholesterol group).There was increased HMG CoA/Mevalonate ratio in liver. There was also depletion of GSH content and increased level of SOD and MDA in liver. Methanolic extract of polyherbal preparation treated groups...
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Posted by admin on Sep 1, 2012 in |
Pregnancy can be the most paranormal and exciting time for expectant mother. Nature provides us with many tools for supporting both the mother and baby through this time of growth and renewal, to strengthen the spirits and body to promote a healthy pregnancy and birthing process. Pregnant and lacting mother need to be educated on the need for caution when using herbs during pregnancy and lactation particularly in view of lack of complete information. The women self administer herbal medicines both before and after pregnancy often without any recognition of their potential hazards. The use of herbal supplements in pregnancy and lactation is likely to be relatively high and its importance ascertains what supplements women are taking. Pregnancy and lactation care providers should be aware of common herbal supplements used by women and of evidence regarding potential benefits or harm. Midwives and obstetricians have an obligation to facilitate women’s wishes without condemnation, but this must be tempered with accurate information to ensure that use of herbal remedies in pregnancy...
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