Posted by admin on Aug 15, 2010 in |
Phytochemical and Gut motility activity of Ethanolic Extract of whole plant of Scutia Myrtina Kurz collected from Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu was studied. Phytochemical studies revealed the presence of Alkaloids, Glycosides (Anthraquinone), Flavonoids and Tannins. For Gut Motility activity Extracts in concentration of 200mg/Kg and 400mg/Kg were studied in three animal models in comparison to Caster Oil and Glaxenna; (a) Gut motility activity in isolated Rat Intestine, (b) Propulsive Gut motility in mice & (c) Laxative activity in Mice. The Gut motility activity was assessed by different parameters depending on respective animal models. Caster Oil and Glaxenna were used as Standard drugs depending on the animal models. Gut motility in the test drug treated animals were found to be significant in all the models. Anthraquinone Glycosides present in the drug is probably responsible for the Gut motility...
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Posted by admin on Aug 15, 2010 in |
Cassia aungostifolia is a common herbaceous belongs to the family of Caesalpiniaceae. Seeds of plant contain gluco-mannose hence attempt to evaluate the seeds for suitability as tablet binder is considered and the present exploration repots the isolation of mucilage of Cassia aungostifolia seed. The DSC and FTIR thermograms of drug and mucilage indicated no chemical interaction. Phytochemical and Physiochemical characteristics of mucilage were studied which confirmed the mucilage nature. The mucilage was evaluated for its granulating and binding properties in compressed tablet using Diltiazem HCl as model drug. The granules prepared by mucilage were compared with xanthan gum, which was used as standard binder. The tablets had good physiochemical properties and the drug release was more than 95% within 2hr. It was observed that increasing the concentration of mucilage increases hardness and decreases the disintegration time. All the formulations were subjected to stability studies for three months as per ICH guidelines all four formulation showed stability with respect to release pattern and other parameters which confirm the use of...
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Posted by admin on Aug 15, 2010 in |
The aqueous decoctions of Bridelia ferruginea leaf and Canthium glabriflorum stem bark were converted into granules by absorbing into different types of absorbents in different quantities. In vitro dissolution studies were then used to assess the release of the extracts from the granules. Comparative and ranking studies of the effects of different weights of the different absorbents on the release of the extracts by Duncan’s multiple range tests (p=0.05) were used to assess the performance of the absorbents. The λmax for the extracts were obtained with 0.01 %w/v solutions at 267 nm and 279 nm for B. ferruginea and C. glabriflorum, respectively. The UV absorbances at these frequencies were used as indices for the assay of the active constituents in the respective extracts. The cumulative percentage release of the extracts was generally higher from the extract-absorbent systems than from the pure extracts, for all the different types and weights of absorbents used. The results also indicated significant differences (p = 0.05) in the mean cumulative percent release of both...
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Posted by admin on Aug 15, 2010 in |
Purpose of Study: In the present study, an attempt was made to design and evaluate buccoadhesive bilayer tablets of granisetron hydrochloride (an anti-emetic drug), in order to overcome bioavailability problems, to reduce dose dependent side effects and frequency of administration. Method: Bilayer buccal tablets containing the drug were prepared by direct compression method using combination of polymers (such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 15 cps, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and Carbopol 934p.) and ethyl cellulose as backing layer. The designed tablets were evaluated for various physical and biological parameters, drug content uniformity, in-vitro drug release, short-term stability, drug- excipients interactions (FTIR). Results: The formulation HF1 with the drug matrix layer composition- hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 15 cps (47% w/w), Carbopol 934p (3%w/w), and mannitol (channeling agent, 45% w/w) was found to be promising. This optimized formulation exhibited an in vitro drug release of 94% in 8 h along with satisfactory bioadhesion strength (4.3 gm). Short-term stability studies on the promising formulation indicated that there are no significant changes in drug content and in vitro...
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Posted by admin on Aug 15, 2010 in |
There is increasing evidence to support the involvement of free radical reactions in several human diseases. n recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that in man, free radicals play a role in a variety of normal regulatory systems, the de-regulation of which may play an important role in inflammation. Active oxygen species and other free radicals have long been known to be mutagenic. Further, these agents have more recently emerged as mediators of the other phenotypic and genotypic changes that lead from mutations to neoplasia. Therefore, free radicals may contribute widely to cancer development in humans. The antioxidant activities of the plant extract and pure compounds were assessed on the basis of radical scavenging effect of the stable DPPH free radical. Generally plants containing flavonoids having strong antioxidant properties. The six extracts Ricinus communis stem and two standards tested for antioxidant activity using DPPH method, the benzene and 50% methanol successive extracts showed the maximum antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 36.19 ± 2.332 mg/ml and 34.40 ±...
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