Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2010 in |
Aim: The aim of this retrospective study is analysis of results of patient treatment outcome when prescribing chemotherapy and radiotherapy as concomitant setup as compared to radiotherapy alone for patients with anal canal carcinoma and related complications of this mode of treatment. Materials and Methods: 24 patients of anal canal cancer (squamous cell carcinoma-17 and adenocarcinoma-7)of median age 53.62 years (Range 20-80 year), tumor stage T1/T2-5 patients and stage T3/T4-19 patients with nodal positive 12, (9 inguinal, 3 pelvic) were treated . 11 patients received Pelvic RT-50 Gy/25 Fr/5 wks and concomitant CT with 5-FU and were designated as Group A, and 13 patients were treated with Radiotherapy alone and grouped as Group-B. Results: Seven patients of concomitant chemotherapy group (63.63%) and 4 of without chemotherapy (30.76%) achieved complete response. 4 patient in concomitant CT group (36.36%) and 9 patients in without CT group (69.23%) achieved partial response. Treatment related complication developed in 13 patients (54.16%) mainly skin reaction and diarrhea of grade II. Conclusion: The combination of radiation...
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Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2010 in |
Sulfur mustard is well known as toxic Chemical warfare agent and on contact with skin it produces blisters as well as systemic toxicity. In this study we have evaluated the efficacy of few analogues of S-2(2-amino-ethylamino) ethyl phenyls sulphide (DRDE-07) and a known radioprotector amifostine against SM induced toxicity in mouse. We have selected seven newly synthesized analogues of DRDE-07 for their protection against 2LD50 dose of SM. On the basis of their protective efficiency we further evaluated the selected compounds using biochemical markers. Hepatic biochemical and histological assays were carried out in liver of SM exposed animals on day 3 and day 7 post treatment. Among the seven analogues DRDE-07, DRDE-19 and DRDE-46 showed a significant reduction in hepatic malondialdehyde levels compared to SM exposed liver, besides restoring the liver GSH level. Treatment with amifostine was also effective in regulating these biochemical parameters, The results thus conclude that oral administration of amifostine, DRDE-07, DRDE-19 and DRDE-46 were effective as prophylactic agent for protecting SM toxicity, and DRDE-07 proved...
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Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2010 in |
UV spectrophotometric method was developed and validated for the analysis of pioglitazone in tablets. The analyses were performed in Phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Beer’s law was valid in concentration range of 10-50 mcg/ml and UV detection was done at 238 nm. The developed method was validated respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, selectivity / sensitivity applied to the determination of Pioglitazone in two pharmaceutical formulations. The obtained data from developed method was compared statistically. It was concluded that the developed method was suitable for the quality control of Pioglitazone in...
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Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2010 in |
As part of our ongoing study to screen local herbs for their possible usefulness as anti-infectives, we assessed extracts from 16 medicinal plants for their antibacterial properties and their influence on the activity of amoxicillin. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of amoxicillin against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi were determined alone and in the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of the extracts by the Kirby–Bauer agar diffusion method of antibacterial assay. Eleven out of 18 extracts exhibited antibacterial activity with MIC values below 20 mg/ml against at least one of the test bacteria employed. Amoxicillin activity against Staph. aureus was significantly (p<0.05) enhanced by the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of 5 extracts (Mallotus oppositifolius, Bidens pilosa, Morinda lucida, Croton membranaceus and Jatropha curcas). B. subtilis also became significantly susceptible to amoxicillin in the presence of 10 μg/ml extracts of B. pilosa, Hibiscus sabdariffa, M. oppositifolius, Momordica charantia, Anoclesta nobilis, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta and Moringa oleifera. Spathodia campanulata, M. lucida, M. oleifera and J. curcas leaf...
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Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2010 in |
The herbal single drug Aftimoon is botanically called as Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (whole plant). In the recent past tremendous attempts are being made to evaluate the scientific standards for Traditional System of Medicine, particularly in Unani System of Medicine. The Physician of Unani System of Medicine has considered this drug as one of the important single drugs and this drug has been used extensively in the preparation of Unani Compound Formulations such as Itrifal-e-Aftimoon, Itrifal-e-Ustukhudus, Itrifal-e-Deedan, Itrifal-e-Ghudadi, Itrifal-e-Mushil, Majoon-e-Ushba and Sufoof-e-Chobchini etc., This drug is therapeutically useful in the treatment of insanity, melancholia, melanous, epilepsy, numpness, paralysis, facial palsy, arthritis, worm infestation, jaundice and in the weakness of liver, stomach and spleen. As per the action the drug is very effective in cathartic to black bile and phlegm, demulcent, resolvent, carminative and antihelmintic. In order to authenticate and to develop its pharmacopoeial standards WHO guidelines were followed provided by CCRUM, New Delhi. For the Evaluation of Pharmacopoeial standards Pharmacognostical and Phyto-chemical parameters were adopted. The Thin Layer Chromatographic studies...
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