Posted by admin on Feb 1, 2010 in |
Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn. (Oleaceae) which has been used as an antiepileptic remedy in tribal people of India (Orissa and Bihar) along with its use in Ayurveda, Sidha and Unani systems of medicine was evaluated for anticonvulsant activity against experimental seizures. The leaves ethanolic and aqueous extracts of N. arbortristis protected mice against tonic convulsions induced by maximal electroshock and especially by pentylenetetrazole. Neurotoxicity (sedation and motor impairment) of the extract was assessed by the rota rod test. Preliminary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, tannic acid, flavonoids, iridoid glucosides and Desramnosylverbascoside in the extracts. The acceptable acute toxicity of the extracts recommends further studies to determine the mechanism(s) and compound(s) involved in the anticonvulsant...
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Posted by admin on Feb 1, 2010 in |
Root Extracts of Beta vulgaris; Smilax regelii; & Cucurbita maxima. seed is effective for reducing fats individually as well as its combination effort through different mechanism. First one is used to flush out fats from the system and the second & third is used to regulate thyroxine. The extract of A,B & C were taken with diffusion extraction, ethanol extraction through soxhlet apparatus and through Kjeldahl extraction method. Toxicity LD50 study was taken into 15 mices in three divided categories – B, C and A&B&C gives 2.82+0.35, 4.48+0.130 & 2.82+0.277 respectively. Affectivity was evaluated to the extracts of Beet, Sarsaparilla, Pumpkin seed and its combination which gives 500 mg, 250 mg, 150 and 500 mg /kg/day, after administered orally, effectiveness to reduce fats were done in 5 guinea pigs giving results of mean weights 909.6 + 2.07 (control), 905.8 + 2.16 (extract-A), 906.42 + 2.24 (extract-B), 905.42 + 2.05 (extract-C), 905.42 + 2.05 (extract-B&C), 904 +1.499 (B&A), 902.53 + 1.7 (A&B&C). The t-test and the P value of C;...
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Posted by admin on Feb 1, 2010 in |
Antispasmodic activity of the ethanolic extracts of different parts of Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn. was estimated using guinea pig ileum preparation against acetylcholine. Anthelmintic activity was tested following the method described by Kailashraj and Kurup, using earthworm (Pheretima posthuma). The extracts exhibited antispasmodic activity, which was less than that of piperazine citrate. The ethanolic extracts were found to have concentration-dependent paralytic activity, whereas its seeds and flowers showed lethal effect on the worms. It was also observed that the paralytic and lethal effects of respective ethanolic extracts were potentiated by the presence of atropine. It reveals that the anthelmintic activity of the extracts is due to the inhibition of motility by relaxing and depressing responsiveness to contractile action of...
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Posted by admin on Feb 1, 2010 in |
An attempt has been made to formulate new chewing gum device for ondansetron hydrochloride in the form of tablet. The new drug delivery system was obtained, at room temperature, by direct compression using conventional pharmaceutical equipment. The resulting chewing gum tablets comprise a gum core combined with fillers, antioxidants, coloring agent and plasticizers, which provide smooth appearance and flexibility during storage and chewing. Drug release from a dosage form is the critical step in drug absorption and bioavailability, thus an experimental work has been designed to evaluate the efficiency of this kind of therapeutic system by verifying its capability to release the drug dose and by assessing the delivery of ondansetron hydrochloride for by-passing the hepatic first pass effect. Simple diffusion into the medium causes the release of only a small percentage of the drug contained in the medicated chewing gum, while the delivery of the major part of the dose occurs during mastication. In the present study, an attempt has been made to formulate the chewing gum of...
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Posted by admin on Jan 1, 2010 in |
Diabetes and its different types is an age old disease for clinicians since centuries. Many aspects of Diabetes needs to be explored with respect to physiological actions of insulin and the various clinical features of this disease such as tissue complication , since this is life style disease , so proper treatment in relation to diet and anti diabetic agents is emphasized In fact, herbal treatment for diabetes is not new. Plants and plant extracts were used to combat the disease as early as 1550 B.C., with as many as 400 “prescribed” before the development earlier this century of effective medications to control diabetes. In this paper an attempt has been made to give an overview of certain Indian plants with their phytoconstituents and mechanism of action which have been studied for their antidiabetic activity....
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